Chapter 2

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When I woke up I was next to something warm. I sat up soon realize it wasn't a something it was someone. I pushed away from who ever it was and rub my eyes realizing it was Vic. "EW." I said under my breath.

"good morning to you too." He looked at me and stretched.

"Where are we?"

"We are at a rest stop, getting lunch."

"and you didn't wake me?!"

"Yeh I wanted you to starve to death." He rolled his eyes. "I was a sleep too smart one." he snapped

I glared at him and got out of the car slamming the door walking into the building.

"Afternoon, Kellin." Everyone said.

"Hi." I responded

I sat down and ordered my lunch. A nice BLT with fries. by the time I got my food the devil himself, I mean Vic walked in. "Afternoon, everyone and Kelly bear!" I rolled my eyes.

"Afternoon Vic!" Everyone said back to him I rolled my eyes and pushed my food away. I wasn't hungry anymore but Vic was so he finished my food. By the time everyone else was done so was he. He smiled at me. He can be such an over kill sometimes. I hate him. I got up and walked over to the register to buy some M&Ms.

I climbed into the backseat and went to open my M&Ms, When vic climbed in and snatched them.

"Hey give them back!" I snapped.

"Finders keepers!"

"You found shit!" I grabbed them back. "Now get out of my face bitch!" He glared at me.

"Kellin!" My mom called. Really? could this get any worse.

"Give me the M&MS." She demanded.

I sighed handing them to her. Now the parents were sharing them and I get none. I looked at Vic who just grinned at me.

*4 hours later*

I woke up to my mom squealing in excitement. Giving me the hint that we were here

We finally arrived at our summer house. It was around 9pm and we all were pretty tried from the drive. So we got out and grabbed our bags.

We walked into the house turning on the lights.

"So boys." my mom started in.

"We don't have the extra bedroom set up for Vic because we still use it for storage. Meaning you two will share a room." Vic and I groaned.

"And behave yourselves." Vivian interjected.

"But mom!" Vic and I said in Unison.

"No buts." My dad said.

"Now go get ready for bed you two." We sighed but nodded and I walked up the stairs while Vic followed .

"You know we could have some fun,kelly?" He said in a flirtatious tone.

"In your dreams."

"You wish, Quinn. You fag." I rolled my eyes. I went to open the door and when I did, what I saw had me in disbelief.


"Looks like you're sleeping on floor and I am on the bed." Vic said.

"No way in hell!"

I ran out of the room. "Mom! Mom!" No answer "Dad?! " They were in no place to be seen. I sighed Vic already made himself comfortable on my bed!

I could hear him in the shower. I sighed and looked around the room to make sure there was nothing for him to see.

"Looking for these?" Victor said holding up a box of condoms and lube. shit. I froze. They weren't even for him.

"Not like I am not faltered or anything kelly, but I am not a fag like you." He said pushing me out of the way. This was gonna be a long week. I grabbed my Pjs and shower stuff heading to the bathroom.

By the time I got out of the shower and got ready for bed all the lights were off. I grabbed my phone and used the light from that to find my way into the room there was a pillow and a blanket on the floor. oh it's he a saint. I sighed making my floor into a bed.

By the time I finished and laid down to sleep it was already 1 am.

This will be one hell of a week.

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