Chapter 6: Bakugo

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Deku POV:

I stand there horrified as I see the one face I never wanted to see again. The main bully who made my life a living hell. Katusiki Bakugo

If I was still the "quirkless" little kid I used to be I would be feeling fear. But instead, I was feeling a different emotion, Rage. I wanted to pummel him right there but knew I couldn't (At least not yet) so I just stood there next to the door. While I was standing I noticed a kid with blue hair and glasses look at me before running over and offering me his hand while saying. "I'm Tenya Ida and I look forward to being classmates with you," He says loudly while shaking my hand. 

This gesture of his draws everyone's attention to me as I see another face I recognize (luckily this time not someone I despise). I see the cute girl I got the number of earlier staring at me, I give her a wink with my signature smile causing her face to turn crimson red.  I also notice a lot of the other girls blushing while looking at me. I decided to introduce myself exclaiming to my classmates "My name is Izuku Midoriya and I hope we can all be good friends" while giving my signature smile. 

This good mood of mine is immediately ruined when a certain blonde bag of bricks comes up to me while screaming "What the fuck are you doing here you fucking DEKU!"  Everyone else stares at us while I get into a fighting stance ready to kick his ass if he decides he's going to fight. He starts lighting up his hands and right before he was about to charge at me the door slams open and a man with a scarf and giant eyebags walks in. He quickly says that he's a hero called Eraserhead and tells us to call him Mr. Aizawa before he tells the class to sit down before staring directly at me and Bakugo and saying in a raspy voice "What the hell are you two doing?" Not wanting to get into major trouble I quickly responded with "I was just introducing myself to the rest of this class before this psycho starts trying to fight me!"

 Aizawa before he tells the class to sit down before staring directly at me and Bakugo and saying in a raspy voice "What the hell are you two doing?" Not wanting to get into major trouble I quickly responded with "I was just introducing myself to ...

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Mr. Aizawa looks at me with suspicion before a kid with red hair stands up and says "Mr. Aizawa everything he said was true" Before a bunch of my new classmates tell Aizawa that my story is true. Mr. Aizawa looks at the class and then at me where he nods, showing that he believes my story.  He then turns to Bakugo and says in a cold, stern voice "So why the hell did you attack him?"

And cut! (480 words). Btw if you want to talk to me on discord this is my tag:KarmaAka#1868

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