Chapter 13 The Punishment

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Deku POV: Walking to the office with Aizawa was a terrifying experience, I realized that I was probably gonna be expelled, and maybe even arrested! I did almost kill a kid after all. Soon we reached the office and inside was a little rat thing who I immediately recognized to be Nedzu. He sat me down and began to speak in a very irritated tone

"Izuku, I heard from Aizawa that you attacked your fellow student Bakugo, and  injured him so badly he is currently in the hospital's intensive care unit, is that statement correct?"

"partially sir, Bakugo challenged me to a fight and attacked me first, but in a blind rage from his constant torment, I lost control of myself and took it way too far, I'm willing to accept any punishment I am given, no matter what it is," I said in a regretful tone.  

 I truly was regretful of my actions, as even though I truly despise Bakugo, almost killing him was taking things to a way too far extreme, and more importantly, it is not something a hero would do. At this point, I was filled with sorrow, positive that my hero life would be over. 

Nedzu spoke up 

"If what you said is true, and Bakugo did attack first, it would be self-defense, and you wouldn't get charged with a crime, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I will accept that behavior and get you off scot-free."

I had a sigh of relief knowing that while my dreams of being a hero would probably be over, I wouldn't be spending a majority of my youth in prison, to me, this seemed like a just punishment and I was willing to accept it when Nedzu spoke again 

"So as punishment, you will be removed from class 1-A and transferred to Class 1-B as well as spending 6 hours a day not including school hours doing community service, if you fail to complete the service, for even a day you will be expelled."

I stared at him in shock, I expected the punishment to be way worse, and I definitely didn't think I would still be able to attend UA. 

Nedzu seemed to notice my hesitation and smirked before saying  "You may be wondering why I'm not expelling you, well let me explain. First of all, I know of the incident from the first day of school where Bakugo attacked you. And due to staff laziness, he was let off scot-free." Nedzu said the last bit in a cold tone while glaring directly at Aizawa, who quietly slumped into his sleeping bag.  Nedzu sighed before continuing, "I also am aware of the fact that you are telling the truth in regard to Bakugo challenging you to the fight and throwing the first punch due to the security cameras at the school, AND while what you did was definitely not a hero like a thing to do, the fact that you clearly have regretted your actions and have reflected proves to me that you have a good heart and did not act out of bad faith, but lost control and made a mistake, which kids of your age tend to do, thus it was my judgment to transfer your classes to avoid Bakugo, and give you community service so you can help others to compensate for the one you hurt. So, do you accept these conditions Izuku?"

I was stunned, this person? showed compassion and intelligence in just one speech, his kindness is the reason I'm not in prison. I was beyond thankful and couldn't help but to start crying while telling Nedzu "Yy-es, thank you for the second chance sir"

Nedzu simply smiled before telling me to go home and get some rest, before meeting my new classmates tomorrow. 

And Cut!

Hey Hey Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed my not-so-anticipated comeback, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did favorite the story and comment, as those things motivate me to write more :) 

see ya 

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