Chapter 2

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As I packed up all my things to get ready I put on my coat and took off my work uniform. I got my keys and unlocked my car, I walked out of the shop and locked the door. I noticed a shadow, I turned around and saw the same charming boy standing right by my car. He said "hey! did you notice the notice I left?" I giggled and responded back "how could I miss it?" In a flirtatious way. He asked if he could see me again, and I couldn't pass up that opportunity and I said "of course, I'm going to the party on hollywood blvd. you should come!" He said that he would think about it, and left because his friends were leaving without him.

I rush home to get ready, I left my hair the way it was. It stayed the same from when I straighten it in the morning. I put on some fancy clothing. Which was a peplum top, with some leather pants. I put on my heals that I was deeply in love with. I put on my purse and I head out the door.

I look at my phone and I see a text from Allison. "You ready? Because I'm not. I have to stay a extra hour at work! Please don't hate me!!! See you soon xoxo" I thought to myself are you kidding me? I got all ready for nothing. Hell no I'm still going to this party, I have a open night and I'm going to take advantage of it.

This was my first party in LA. I walk into the room I see those well known vine stars that every girl is in love with. But I don't see matt. I was looking around just to make sure it I didn't miss him anywhere. He wasn't there, so I decided that I was going to only stay for a little while and leave. Nobody here knew me, a tall handsome blond haired boy came my way, and asked me to dance. I said "no, sorry I'm waiting for someone else." He didn't like it, as I saw the doors open and I see the same crowd of boys that I saw earlier entering the loft.

They saw me and came up to me and said "oh hey! It's you the nice coffee lady girl. We never got your name." I replied with "haha I'm Jenna. Nice to meet you!" They all had a confused look. I was confused too. One of the boys said "wait your Jenna? Matts Jenna?" I was so confused since when am I "matts Jenna" but I liked the name don't get me wrong I loved being his.

I asked them where matt is, they said that he couldn't make it. His dad came to la and he went to visit him. One of the boys said "but he is so sorry, he really wanted to see you. He told me to give you his number, so maybe you guys could reschedule?" I smiled and "yeah sure I would love too" and he gave me it. I texted him "I missed you at the party tonight! Maybe another time" he didn't text back. I thought maybe he was just messing around with my feelings.

I left the party it wasn't fun. I came home and right away took off those uncomfortable shoes and put my hair up in a bun and changed into some leggings with a oversized sweater. I just chilled on the couch waiting to watch pretty little liars. As I look at my phone and see a text "Jenna! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it tonight!! How about tomorrow, Olive Garden? 8pm? On me." While I was reading it I noticed I couldn't stop smiling.

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