Chapter 20

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Cilicia POV

I followed Kara's scent for hours and I could tell I was catching up because her scent was getting really strong. I was now probably a half hour from catching up to her. Jade was exhausted but she kept pressing.

In the distance, I could see about 9 wolves drinking from a small pond upstream.
There she was in the midst of them, sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Now that I caught them what should I do?"
"Ha! Now you ask?" Jade replied.

As I took a moment to gather my breath, I took a drink from the water following from the stream above.
With a glance at my reflection, Jade's eyes were glistening just like her fur.
What the heck is happening now?
My legs took control of their movement, and before I knew what was happening I was marching into the group of bloody thirsty rouges.
The worst thing I felt no fear.
I felt more powerful than I'd ever been.
What is going on with me?

Jackson POV

I am about to lose it. I haven't seen or heard from Cil for a couple of hours and it's driving me nuts.
She went chasing Kara.
Oh, goddess please take care of her.
I can't live without her; I just got her, for heaven's sake.
"Cilest why the fucking can't I go after her?"

"I already told you she will be fine, and if you go barging in now, you will distract her from what she must do.
We will go Jackson but we leave in the morning,
I know you're worried, but at this moment, Cilicia is even more powerful than I am, but she needs to discover it on her own.
I would never try to stop you if I knew any harm would come to her.
Please just trust me." Cilest pleaded.

"What am I supposed to do knowing she is out there all alone and it will be dark soon?"

"Lucian is nearby watching out for her if that helps.
Get some rest, Jackson Cil will be fine, and when you reunite, you can put that thought of punishing her to use." She winked as she walked towards the door.

"Stay out of my head Cilest."
She was right though I planned on punishing her severely.

This is going to be a long long night.
I love you, Cil, wherever you are right now.

Kara POV

I know Cilicia will never forgive me but I am sorry I had to hurt and betray her like that.
I wish there was some other way.
As we stopped to rest and make camp, for it would be dark soon, a glimmer of light reflected from what seemed to be a wolf.
I had never seen a wolf that actually glistened. She was beautiful and enchanting. Her fur and eyes were silver, and her powerful aura told us she would kill all of us with just the flick of her paw.

He came to a halt, and as she looked directly at me, I was so intimidated by her stare I had to submit and bow my head and bare my neck, and the strangest thing was the rouges were also in submission.


couldn't understand because rouges had no alpha so how could she have them submit?
She hadn't taken her focus from me, and I wondered if she was going to kill me.
I have never felt my wolf Nia, so afraid.

I saw from the corner of my eyes as the rogues backed off to give us some space. She wanted me alone.
She turned and walked down the way she came, and I followed her with my tail between my legs.
She dropped a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in front of me, indicating she wanted me to shift.
She went behind a tree to shift and change.
I had finished putting on the clothes she had given me and was waiting for her to emerge from behind the tree, but who I saw had me wishing I had the power to disappear.

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