girl best friend - pete davidson

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pete's pov:

"hey guys- what did i tell y'all about smoking in the house" (y/n) reprimanded as she walked into the kitchen.

"sorry (n/n), c'mon pete, let's go to the patio" colson looked at me for a moment, "pete?"

"huh? yeah sorry let's go" i replied, snapping out of my daze and standing up with him.

she was wearing his shirt. i knew he had a girlfriend and she was only his girl best friend but she was wearing his shirt.

"can't even do my laundry without smelling weed" she laughed at the two of us jokingly, shaking her head as she opened the door to the basement.

"better do your laundry! i don't know if i can stay loyal to megan with you walking around in my shirt lookin all cute!" kells called.

"you wish i would sleep with you!" (y/n) bantered back, quickly stripping off the shirt and throwing it at kells who caught it and stuck his tongue out before meeting me on the patio.

"you guys need me to wash anything?" she called, standing there in a bra and athletic shorts, hair in a messy bun and laundry basket on her hip, "col? pete?"

we both shook our heads, mine more to snap me out of my stare and i just tried to focus on my blunt.

(y/n) had been letting me stay with her since i had a movie roll in la. her, colson and i were all best friends, or at least we all said, but colson and her knew each other longer and were much closer.

colson decided to stay with us too because he "would never miss a sleepover and it'll make (y/n) less lonely"

i was sad and a happy about this fact. for a long time i had had a huge crush on (y/n), ever since colson introduced us. i was always so sure she liked him and that's why i never made a move. so while i was glad it wasn't just me and her awkwardly together for like a month or two, it was going to be hard with her and colson dangling off each other.

i'd been here for a week and it wasn't that bad. megan visited some, her and (y/n) got along well. ever since kells started dating her, (y/n) had backed off a bit but megan constantly reassured her that she didn't want to intrude on their friendship.

"hey boys" (y/n) came into the living room and kissed colson on the cheek then flopped over our laps, putting her head in colsons and her thighs over mine. "what movie are we watching?"

she had absentmindedly traced the tattoos on my hand while colson got up because megan was calling him.

he came back a few minutes later, told us he was going off with megan and dashed out.

"alright pete, i think i'm gonna go to sleep early, i'll see you tomorrow, night" she sat up, letting go of my hand and giving me a kiss on the cheek before walking away as well.

i felt myself blush and decided that after the movie ended i would go to my room as well.

the movie ended about 20 minutes later and i made my way to my room to play video games and maybe smoke a little.

i heard my voice floating out of (y/n)s room. her door was slightly cracked and so i gently pushed it open. this wasn't wrong, right? i mean why is my voice coming from her room?

i saw her sprawled out in her bed, my netflix comedy special playing on the tv. i smiled to myself and carefully closed her door all the way.

i went to my room and sat on my bed, not before opening a window so i could smoke a joint without my sleeping roommate noticing.

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