buzzfeed thirst tweets - pete davidson

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your pov:

"hey guys! i'm kat and today i'm here with everyone's favorite couple, (y/n l/n) and pete davidson. so  before we start, i think we're all dying to talk about your relationship"

"ask away" pete and i agreed as he gave my hand a small squeeze.

"so, tell us about you two meeting and how you guys got together" kat asked.

"well personally, pete's always been my celebrity crush. ever since my friend got me to watch snl. so of course when i found out i was wanted for the role of his partner in meet cute there was no way i was gonna turn it down"  i replied.

"well, when i saw (y/n) it was one of those like, 'holy shit who is that girl' moments. and so we got close on set, and i think it's safe to say we were both really awkward until we had to do a kiss scene, and when we kissed it was like fireworks. not to be a bitchy romantic though. and after that i finally got the balls to ask her out and we've been going strong since"

"you two are adorable. alright so this is buzzfeed thirst tweets but since it's couples edition, we're adding a twist" kat told the camera, "you'll be reading the other persons tweets and the first to blush looses"

a few minutes later the cameras were rolling and we were staring.

"i'm (y/n l/n)"

"and i'm pete davidson and this is celebrities read thirst tweets: couples edition"

"alright i'll start first... oh god i'm gonna regret this" i said as the two of us laughed, "'pete davidson isn't a dilf but i'm tryna to make him one'"

there was a few minutes of silence before i replied, "same"

pete gave me a look before i continued.

"this one says 'pete davidson could shove a bottle of smartwater up my pussy' oh!"

pete just laughed, "maybe if you let me do that they'd give me more money, (y/n)"

"what the fuck pete!" i smiled with him.

we read a few more until pete finally blushed at "i could make pete cum through his anti depressants"

now granted it wasn't from the tweet seeing as we read way worse, it was because he said "nah, only (y/n) could do that"

to which i replied, "that sentence just got you free head after this" as a joke, and he blushed, not sure if i was being serious or not.

"THAT WAS A BLUSH!" i yelled triumphantly, "I WIN!"

"no not yet!" pete countered, "it's my turn and if you blush then you loose too!"

"oh this will be easy!" i laughed.

"ok the first one says 'i wanna lick tequila off (y/n l/n) omg she's so fine'"

"i'm extremely ticklish and so i feel like that would tickle so it's a no for me! sorry" i laughed.

"'i want (y/n l/n) to call me daddy'" pete read with a snort.

"sorry that name is reserved for pete" i laughed as my boyfriend choked on air.

"'(y/n) looks submissive and breedable but also the type of person to call mommy' what is it with people and sexualizing parents around you?"

"puh-lease i am not submissive and breedable, tell 'em pete!"

"well (y/n)... i don't know i can't just lie like that"

"oh ok. die." i said with the straightest face i could muster.

he frowned dramatically so i gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him to read the next tweet.

"'i want (y/n) to literally step on me she's so fine'"

"i hate feet. sorry colson, your the bestie and i love you but it's weird!" i laughed.

after a while, pete finished the tweets, with no embarrassed reaction from me.

"how did you not blush?" pete whined as we walked hand in hand out of the studio.

"i'm a girl, people have said shit like this to me my whole life. one time, i was offered $100 to be given a facial when i was in middle school"

"oh- wow that's dark" pete frowned, "i'm sorry babe"

"nah it's fine. anyway, i'm pretty sure during the interview i offered you free head... you wanna get outta here?"

he smiled, "well now that you say that, more than anything"

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