tattoos pt.2 - mgk

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colsons pov:

i stared at the newest contact in my phone.

(y/n) <3 (she had put the heart, not me)

"should i text her?" i asked, taking a hit of my joint.

"dude, if you wanna text her, just text her. it's that simple. damn, i haven't seen you like this in a while" rook replied, taking a sip of his beer.

"you're overthinking it" slim shrugged.

i took another drag, "yeah... yeah. alright" i mumbled.

"wait- what do i say?" i said, looking at my friends.

"oh my god" rook sighed, snatching my phone.

"wait no-" i tried to protest but it was too late. i heard the sound of the text delivering.

i sighed, "what did you say?"

rook read the text, "'hey, it's colson from the tattoo shop earlier. how are you?' it's really not that complicated. oh look, she's read it already and she's typing"

i quickly snatched the phone back and slim snickered. i rolled my eyes.

"what's going on?" baze asked, walking into the living room.

"kells likes a girl" slim replied, "now what's the text say?"

i quickly looked at my phone, "'hey kells, i'm glad you texted me because i was really bored, but how are you doing, what are you up to?' and she added a little smiley face, the one with the parenthesis and dots. not an emoji"

"cute" baze said, he was a bit distracted on his own phone though.

after a bit of texting back and forth, we fell into a rhythm. i didn't need to ask the boys what to say, and i barely needed to think about it myself. things were easy with her.

after about two weeks of texting, i had gotten the balls to facetime her. it was maybe 3 in the afternoon and i was at the recording studio with travis.

'c'mon, you have to hear this, just a quick facetime' i texted her.

'col, i'm at work. i want to but i can't'

"col! i said i was at work!" (y/n) smiled as she answered the call.

"well you picked up, didn't you?"

"don't make me hang up on you" she giggled.

"no! don't" i laughed, "it's good to hear your voice"

i blushed when i realized i had said it out loud, but noticed she was blushing as well.

"it's good to hear your voice too, kells" she said softly, "now are you gonna show me that dumb song or not?"

i rolled my eyes and hit play on the desktop and she listened intently.

"i really like that one, what's it called?" she asked.

"see, the song isn't so stupid now, is it!" i laughed.

"fine, fine. it's not stupid. what's it called?"

"hangover cure" i replied.

"it's really pretty, i love it"

"thank you. hey, can you book me for another tattoo?" i asked.

"you want another already?" she laughed.

"well, i need an excuse to see you" i joked.

"just ask her out already!" travis called.

i flipped him off while (y/n) blushed.

"you don't need an excuse to see me. you could've just asked"

"alright, fine. i'll ask" i replied, "(y/n), would you like to go on a date with me?"

"of course i would, pick me up when i get off work. 8 o'clock, outside the tattoo shop. dress comfy, there's a movie theater down the block. i'll see you then, bye babe"

with that she hung up the phone, leaving me quite flustered.

"finally got the balls to do it man" travis praised, smacking my back with a proud look.

your pov:

i exhaled.

it fucking happened, it finally fucking happened. i had no idea where that burst of confidence came from but i was going to the movies with the cute tattoo client i'd been texting for weeks.

"hey, gina" i told my boss, "i'm gonna go on break, i have to run home. i'll be back in an hour"

she nodded and i grabbed my purse.

"i have a date tonight" i whispered with a smile, pushing open the door to the tattoo shop and walking home.

july 25 2021

word count: 688 words

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