neighbors - mgk

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your pov:

i generally liked my neighbors. on one side was these kids, about 5 and 7 who i occasionally babysat.

on the other side was a middle aged woman who did a lot of baking. she often made me brownies, and was very sweet. ironic, since her last name was baker.

this time, when she dropped of a batch of her amazing brownies she told me that her nephew was coming to live with her, and since we were both juniors we might make good friends.

"why doesn't you and him come over for dinner when he comes, and they can get to know each other" my mother came to door.

"sounds lovely. he's coming in two days so we will definitely be there" she replied before saying goodbyes and going home.

two days passed like nothing and suddenly my mother was telling me to dress presentably before they arrived.

i rolled my eyes, putting on a t-shirt and jeans before putting on music and scrolling through my phone.

my door was pushed open by a dude, he had light brown shaggy hair and blue eyes, he had a nose ring, was 6'4 and he wore a hoodie and jeans.

"you listen to blink-182? emo bitch" he laughed.

i gave him a look. 2 seconds in and i already didn't like him. i paused my music.

"oh no i'm kidding!" he put his hands up defensively, "i like blink too. i'm colson"

i propped myself up, giving him room to sit on the edge of my bed. this was the closest thing he'd get to an invitation to sit on the bed, "(y/n)"

he sat down and looked around my room. then rolled up his sleeves, revealing tattoos and then he went on his phone as well.

this was not going well. i didn't think i liked him very much.

we ate an awkward dinner and they went home and by the short time that was the end of the week, i realized i hated him.

he woke me up with his band practice in the morning. his garage wasn't sound proof and him and his friend jp were banging drums and shredding guitar at 8am.

when he was outside, all he did was smoke so i couldn't open my window when he was out there.

although, the worst thing of all was that our windows faced each other and were 5 feet away. so one day, when i was getting out of the shower, i had a towel wrapped around myself and went to go shut my blinds. my towel got caught and fell, exposing my upper half to the annoying boy next door.

his eyes went wide, and he came closer. i heard him wolf whistle so i quickly picked my towel back up and shut the blinds.

now, where my room was in the back of the house, one window led to colson and the other over the kitchen roof.

sometimes, when my parents went out and i'd order myself pizza, i'd get a blanket and eat it on the roof.

"can i have a slice?" a voice from down below called.

i didn't respond, and i heard rustling from the tree nearby. suddenly my neighbor was on the roof and walking over to me. he sat down next to me.

"you can stay but if you touch my food i'm pushing you off" i warned him.

"sweet as always, darling" he said sarcastically.

"hmmm" i shrugged, taking a bit of food.

"i'm picking up the vibe you don't really like me" colson smirked.

it was my turn to be sarcastic "wow really?! what gave you that idea?"

he shrugged this time then shivered.


he nodded.

i climbed in my room for a moment, then came back out with a second blanket. he had thought i was going inside and gotten up to leave but sat back down when i came out again.

"you don't share, do you?"

"not with people i don't like" i replied.

"what would it take for you to like me then, babe?"

i immediately rattled off all his flaws, "first, you need to stop doing your dumb little band practice so early, or at least so loud. second, i don't care if you smoke but oh my god i can't open my window because it always smells like weed dude tone it back. third stop calling me these fucking pet name bullshit things. oh, and get me another batch of your aunts brownies"

he nodded, then tossed off my blanket before shimmying back down the tree and going home.

"fucking weird" i muttered, going inside.

the next morning i wasn't woken up at the ass crack of dawn by loud noise coming from next door. and the next time i went out on the roof, colson was there with a platter of brownies and this time we shared. we didn't speak, just at brownies and sat in comfortable silence.

he came up almost every time i was out there now. each time neither of us talked, sometimes he'd bring brownies and sometimes he wouldn't. at a certain point i deemed one of my blankets as his for when he came up.

it had been a while since i had last been out on the roof. i was sitting on my bed, trying to finish my calculus homework. i wanted to go out on the roof, wait for colson to come up but it was raining too hard. it was weird that i found myself wanting to spend time with him, ew.

the trees rustled outside but i brushed it off as the wind. it was raining heavily out there. because of that, i nearly screamed when there was a knock at the window.

"col?" i hated it as soon as it came out of my mouth. nickname. i wanted to tell myself i only let him in because it was pouring but i knew i hadn't.

i knew i hadn't because as soon as he came in he kissed me and i didn't pull away. i shut the window and kissed him back.

we flopped down on my bed when we broke apart.

"what the fuck?!" i whisper-yelled as the same time as he spoke up.

"i'm sorry i've been so weird and asshole-ish. i don't think i've ever had feelings for a girl like i have for you before"

"oh" we both said at the same time again.

i took his hand and squeezed it, "i think i could learn to not hate you so much"

he looked in my eyes for a moment and saw my soft smile, "i'll take what i can get"

he laid back and just sat with me. this time we didn't sit in silence but talked about anything and everything.

i yawned and colson looked at me "go to sleep"

"i can't while your here, because then you'll sleep here, and then my parents will see you and then you'll never see me again" i rambled tiredly.

"i'll see you tomorrow then, babe" he replied, getting up.

"what did i tell you about pet names?" i joked.

"seriously?" he groaned, "i still can't call you those?"

"you can now, i'm messing. but anyway, tomorrow it is"

and suddenly, i was falling for the boy who crawled through my window every night.

july 30 2021

word count: 1228 words

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