Chapter 8: Vanguard Action Squad Part 2

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Y/n pov

Forest Training Camp
9:24 p.m

Y/n: "Everyone in position?"

Vanguard Action Squad: "Affirmative!"

Y/n: "Alright then. Dabi, Mustard, you're up. Everyone else...have fun."

  The other members of the League then started their attack on the camp while Dabi's fire and Mustard's gas created useful distractions and hazards for the heroes.

I had set my sights on a building being used for the students who needed to take remedial courses. I watched as Erasure Head destroyed a clone of Dabi, which was slightly creepy to see her melt into nothing. I waited for him to leave the area before leaping from a tree, landing on the roof of the building. I then used my Malleable Body to compress and shift myself into an air duct. I weaved through vents before making my way to a classroom. There were six students and their pro hero teacher; Vlad King. I simply burst through the grate in the room and landed on the floor, startling everyone in the room. My body reformed into it's original shape, and I adjusted my hat, ready for combat.

Y/n: "Greetings young heroes. I'm the Pillar Man, and I'm here for a simple reason; where is Katsuki Bakugo?" I said in a menacing tone.

The students cowered behind their teacher, who took a battle stance, ready to fight for their lives.

Vlad King: "I'm not exactly sure, and even if I did, I wouldn't sell a student out."

Y/n: " *sigh* That's disappointing. I was hoping to get this over with quickly. And unfortunately for you...your life serves me no purpose. Come Vlad, let us fight, I for glory, and you, for your students."

Vlad King: "Bring it, punk!"

  He then fired off some blood shards at me like knives. They moved faster than bullets but I was able to dodge them. I tried to close the distance but he shot some blood on the floor which made some blood spikes. The spikes impaled my legs which allowed him to rush towards me and surround his fist in a large amount of crystallized blood, almost like a gauntlet. Not wasting any time, he swung his larg fist at my face, the collision creating a large cracking sound as my cheekbone cracked. He punched again, and again, and again until my jaw was completely broken. Blood leaked from my mouth as my head hung low.

Y/n "R-ri..ri..."

Vlad King: "What are you saying, you're finished."

Y/n: "Ri...RIB BLADES."

My Rib Blades then activated and nearly impaled him, but he dodged back. I was able to break my legs free and regenerate them, with my face soon following. I then used my Vein Tendrils to shoot out some Boiling Blood onto the floor, burning up Vlad's blood trap. I then used Wind Mode to go invisible leaped over him, kicking him in the back of the head. I the dashed to his front, delivering an upwards elbow. I continued to bombard him with blow after blow as he was unable to pinpoint location. However, he was quick witted, and came up with a way to track me.

Vlad King unleashed a ring of blood around himself which hit me, and although it did not damage, I as covered in blood, and my Wind Mode was made useless. Deactivating my invisibility, I used my Arm Blades to try and slash at him but he use a shield made of blood to block my blows. Getting frustrated I unleashed a flash of blinding light which allowed mt to get behind him and slash his back. This attack cracked his defense, allowing me to deliver more and more slashes through out his entire body. He fell to one knee, dozens of slashes covering him.

Y/n: "Submit, you're outmatched."

Vlad King: " villains always underestimate us heroes. And...and you never really think about how dangerous we really are."

Y/m: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Vlad King: "My quirk is Blood Control. It let's me control my own blood with almost no limits...but...but for that to blood needs to be what do you think happens when some idiot villain cuts the shit out of me. What do you think is gonna happen to that villain!?" he screamed.

(Y/n thoughts: S-shit!)

  I the noticed dozens of large, 10 inch blood shards floating around me.

Vlad King: "You were so busy trying to kill me, that you didn't notice my plan unfold."

The shards than all fired at me one after another, stabbing me all over my body.

Y/n: "Nngragh!" I screamed in pain.

I tried using my vein tendrils to remove the shards, but Vlad King guessed that.

Vlad King: "I won't let you! It's time to finish you with my signature Blood Punch!"

  He then leaped forward and charged up his Blood Punch against, winding up a swing.(Play this, and start at 00:27

However, there was one point, a single moment. A small miscalculation on his part. In order to hit me, he stopped his barrage of shards. For a split second, the onslaught of attacks stopped, which gave me an opening to counter attack. I wouldn't waste this opportunity. I would show him, that I was truly a battle genius.


  The powerful cyclones hit him at point blank range, the force destroying his body as it hit a wall. He was slumped down, bloody and beaten; unconscious, but alive.

  I approached him, preparing to deliver the final blow. But then, from the corner of my eye I noticed movement. Three students lunged at me, a redhead and a blonde, both having some form of hardening quirk, and another with big lips who had a large build. I simply grabbed the blonde and redhead by their throats and choke slammed them into the ground. I then kneed the big lipped one in the jaw. A kid with odd elbows tried to bind me with tape but I simply cut it and kicked him into a wall. Another blonde tried to electrocute me but I clotheslined him. A pink girl fired acid but was cut short as I slammed her head onto a desk. With all the students disoriented I walked up to Vlad.

Y/n: "So...this is what it's have trust...never have I seen that desire to protect someone else. And considering the amount of heroes I faced..."

  I felt conflicted...killing Vlad would take him off the table, but then again...was it worth it? To keep killing heroes and innocents. To become a All for One?

Y/n: "I'll let you live. All of you. Not because I'm sentimental or anything, but because you're all true warriors, and the world could use good people like you."

  I then punched through a window and jumped out before hearing Compress on the communicator.

Mr. Compress: "Ladies and Gents, the package is secured."

I then broke into a sprint towards the extraction point. It didn't take long to get there, and once I did I saw Dabi holding Bakugo by his neck. I sprinted next to her, making sure she wouldn't get hurt. We then backed up, going through Kurogiri's warp gate, back to the bar.

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