Chapter 7: Vanguard Action Squad Part 1

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Y/n pov

League of Villains Bar
11:35 a.m

I was laying down in Dabi's bed, switching from staring at the ceiling to staring at Dabi sleeping on top of me. I had wanted to leave but I didn't want to wake her up. After a bit I felt her shift as she slowly opened her eyes.

Dabi: "Ugh, hey Y/n..."

Y/n: "Hey sleep good?"

Dabi: "Yeah...hey look a out last night....was that just sex or.....was it something more?" she said looking into my eyes.

Y/n: "I...I don't know. I mean honestly're beautiful and...and I've never felt this sort of connection with anyone before. So...I say least to me, it was more than just sex."

Her eyes widened in what seemed like shock as I told her how I felt.

Y/n: "And what about you? How do you feel?"

Dabi: "W-well...yeah I may have a crush on you. So I guess yeah, I feel the same."

She then put her hands on the sides of my face and pulled me in for a gentle kiss. Once we broke I put my thumb on her burnt lips and gentle caressed them.

Y/n: "Come on...let's get dressed."

Dabi: "Yeah."

We both got out of bed and quickly got dressed, with Dabi putting on her bra and underwear with a black short sleeve shirt and a pair of red shorts. She put on some black socks followed by a pair of worn out converse. I put my boxers back on and exited the room to get some clothes from mine, but I was interrupted by a certain blonde haired girl.

Toga: "Omg I was right! You two totally did fuck last night!"

I just facepalmed and let out an annoyed groan.

Y/n: "Ugh...yes Toga, we did."

Toga: "How was it!? Nevermind, it's better if I ask Dabi, toodles!" she said walking to a couch.

After that interaction I put on some clothes and made myself a late breakfast. I could see Toga questioning Dabi, with Toga being overly energetic and Dabi being annoyed.

Kurogiri: "Greetings Pillar, I must inform you that tonight we will be commencing our attack on the forest training camp of U.A High. I will brief everyone once I have called them back."

Y/n: "Oh right...the camp."
Timeskip to briefing

Kurogiri: "Now that we are all here, let us begin the briefing. We will attacking U.A's training camp. The mission is quite simple. We are to capture a student named Katsuki Bakugo. There also other students on a kill list. If you encounter these students, they are to be eliminated. However, tour priority is Katsuki Bakugo, do not prioritise a kill over his capture. The team in question will be comprised of you all, including a mid tier Nomu. Together you will be known as the Vanguard Action Squad. Pillar Man will be in charge, with Dabi as his second. Any questions?"

Everyone remained silent, much to Kurogiri's delight.

Kurogiri: "Very well, I will now warp you all to a vantage point inside the camp where you can prepare for you assault. Good luck."

He then surrounded us in a large warp gate, teleporting us to the camp.
Forest Training Camp

Y/n: "Alright, listen up! Here's the plan: Mustard and Dabi will cause distractions that'll mess up the heros. I want Mustard to deal with the northern part and Dabi with the southern part. Muscular, Moon Fish, Blood Pixie (got the idea for Toga's villain idea from My Hero One's Justice, even if it isn't canon), Mr. Compress and the Nomu will go solo. Spinner and Magni will be paired and Twice will be with Dabi. Any questions?"

Spinner: "Uh yeah, why leave some of us solo?"

Y/n: "Because some of you work better alone. You and Magni could synergize well together and Dabi won't have the same defense Mustard has with his quirk, hence Twice. Anything else?"

The group remained silent.

Y/n: "Good, now we wait until night, and when it's all dark out, we strike.
Author's Note: So it's been awhile since I've updated this, so yeah. It's back! Sorry for the shorter chapter but this was more set up for the next one. Anyways see ya and stay safe✌

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