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Wanda pov

I continued kissing down Aiko's chest. I stopped when I felt something. I looked at it. There was a 4-inch scar running down the center of her chest. I didn't see this before. " What is this?" I asked. She looked at it. She touched it. " Fuck" She muttered. That sent butterfly's through my stomach. But forget that what is this? I traced my hand along with it. It was shaped like... a dagger? It looked like it had been burned into her." What is it?" I asked. She put her hands on her face. I was starting to get worried. She sighed. " Aiko?..." I asked. " It's fine. Let's continue" She said smiling and putting her hands on my sides. I tilted my head. " I ruined the mood didn't I?" She asked. I thought about it. " It can easily be put back but I need you to tell me what this is," I said. She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. She had a mix of blue and green eyes. They were swirling. I swear I saw a bit of black and white surface. " It's a marking..." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " For what?" I asked. She got up. I slid off of her. She turned on the light. I gasped. There was a large marking on her back. I jumped up and walked over to her. I touched her back. She looked back at me. " What does it look like?" She asked. " It's... Three triangles intertwined..." I said. There were more leading down her arms. " There are big black solid stripes leading down your arms," I said. She muttered something. " What?" I asked. " It's the marking for death..." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " Death?" I asked. She nodded. " Either my father did it or..." She said drifting from her sentence. " Or?" I asked. " someone's trying to contact me," She said. I shook my head. " What does this mean?" I asked. She grabbed my hands and brought them up to me. " When I was little. I read a book about someone named 'Hela'..." She said. I could see she was serious. " I don't know for sure but... I think this 'Hela' is trying to communicate with me." She said. " Who?" I asked. " She's the goddess of death but I have never met her in real-time. It's said that she is imprisoned in Hel. I went back the next day to find out more but... someone burned the book" She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " What does it do?" I asked. She stayed silent. " Aiko?" I asked. She sighed. " I..." She said shaking her head. " What?" I asked. "It's known for warding off spirits as well as... Demonstrating power." She said. "So... what? Your powerful?" I asked. She had this look in her eyes. As I stared at her eyes they changed. One turned white. The other turned black. " What the hell?" I said looking at her eyes. She blinked a couple of times. She looked around. " What is it?" I asked. She looked back at me. " Will you come with me?" She asked. " W-Where?" I asked. "

Aiko pov

" Across the galaxy," I said hesitantly. " The galaxy?!" Wanda shouted. I closed my eyes. " I can have an Asgardian ship transported here. I know it seems sudden but I have to find out who did this." I said. " Why? If it means you're powerful then just leave it." She said. " It means someone has challenged me to a duel and if I don't know who I can't prepare," I said. Wanda sighed. " What about Pietro and the others?" She asked. " We can talk to them. I get it if you don't want to go it's just... I would appreciate it and maybe... I could show you my favorite places across the galaxy?" I said scratching the back of my neck. She sat down on the bed. " How long will it be?" She asked. " Well..." I said sitting down next to her. " With showing you the locations and finding whoever challenged it would be approximately... 4-6 weeks," I said adding up the days in my head. She looked at me. " 4-6- No. I'm sorry Aiko but no. What if robots attack or-or Aliens" She said. I put my hands on her shoulders. I breathed in. She copied me. " I was just offering. I understand." I said. Now I'll have to wait to show her... " Show me what?" Wanda asked. " What?" I asked. " Show me what? You said 'now I'll have to wait to show her.' Show me what?" Wanda asked. " You'll only find out if you come along," I said. She scoffed. She bit her nail. I looked around. I grabbed my bra and put it on. " What are you doing?" She asked. " If I'm leaving without you I will be leaving within the hour," I said. She stood up. I grabbed my pants and put them on. " Without you should make it around... 4 weeks maximum," I said buttoning my shirt. She stared at me. " What?" I asked. " you're really leaving?" She asked. I nodded. " If I don't duel whoever it is they... Might get to me first and come to earth." I said with a sigh. " How do you know you'll win?" She asked. " I don't," I said. She stood up. " Well then... You're really cornering me here, Aiko." Wanda said. She put her hands on her face. I walked over to her. I pulled her into a hug. I looked at my arm. The solid stripe twirled around my bicep and led down to my palm where the same marking of death sat on both palms. " I'm sorry." She said. " Don't be," I said. She stuck her face in my chest. " I'll be back soon. Don't worry." I said smiling. She got up on her tippy toes and kissed me. " be safe" She said. I smiled and nodded.

" Heimdall!" I yelled as I looked up at the sky. " Heimdall," I said in a singsongy tone. " What do you want?" He said in my head. His voice boomed. I smiled. " nice to hear you again old friend," I said. " I need a spaceship. One with a bed preferably" I said. " Why?" He asked. I took off my shirt. He groaned. A large beam of multicolors shot down. A spaceship appeared before me. " thanks" I said. He grunted. I could feel his presence leave. I walked back inside and put my shirt back on. " Was that big light..." Wanda said. I nodded. " The Bifrost bridge," I said. She nodded. " I have packed you enough food for 4-6 weeks," She said smiling. " what did the team say?" I asked. " Natasha said it was fine. Steve said losing an 'enhanced individuals' was a blow but it was fine." She said. I nodded. " Bye," I said. She smiled sadly and hugged me. " Bring me back something nice okay?" She asked. I smiled. " of course." I said.

I walked up to the side of the ship. " voice recognition system" A feminine voice said. " Aiko Odinsdottir" I said. The machine made a beeping noise. Nothing happened. I sighed. " Thor," I said under my breath. " Fuck me," I said looking down. I looked back up. I put my hand on it. " Solid matter? I think not!" I said in a high-pitched voice. The machine made a beep of acceptance. The door opened and dropped down allowing me to enter. I sighed as I turned to the compound before entering the ship completely. Wanda waved sadly to me from the window. I smiled and waved back. I stepped into the ship. " Welcome, Aiko," The recognition system said. " Hello," I said back putting down my stuff and walking over to the cockpit. I sat down. " You can call me Computer." The computer said. " Dense," I said. " Destination?" The computer asked. " First stop. Asgard" I said with a sigh. " Of course," The computer said. I smiled and sighed in content. I watched as the Avengers compound slowly got smaller and smaller. I'll miss you, Wanda.

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