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I arrived back from my jog with Wanda about an hour ago. I was walking through the compound when I saw something. I stopped and walked backward. Wanda was sitting on her bed. She had a ball of her powers in her hands. I walked in. She looked up at me. I sat down next to her.

" You okay?" I asked her.

" What can I do to get in shape like you?" She asked looking up at me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

" I don't know what you mean," I said. She stood up. I stood up with her. She kept walking forward until I was against the wall. She put her hand in my shirt and on my abs. I was shocked. My eyes went wide. I started breathing heavier.

" You don't have to rely on your powers to protect you. I want to be like that" She said feeling my abdomen.

"Oh, um... I'm just naturally strong but I did work out a lot in the Realm. I can help you with strength training if that's what you mean" I said. She smiled and nodded. " Okay, um...  There's a training gym here I'm sure they have training equipment there" I said looking out the door. She smiled. I stared into her eyes. She smirked.

" You want me to touch your abs some more?" She said. God, she looks so smug.

" No, no. I would prefer if you- Oh you're doing it" I said. She stuck both of her hands in my shirt and was feeling my abs. My heart was racing. " How are you so brave?" I asked grabbing her arms and pulling them out of my shirt. I tried to slow my breathing.

" Reading minds means I can give whoever I want whatever they want. You wanted me to keep touching your abs so I did" She said with an innocent smile. I gulped.

" Let's just um, head to the training room all right," I said with an awkward chuckle.

" Okay," She said innocently as she started following behind.

" First we have to stretch," I said bringing her over to a mat. She nodded. " So just... copy me," I said. She smiled and nodded. " Okay," I said reaching down for my foot. I grabbed it and leaned into it a couple of times. I switched. I watched as Wanda switched as well. I smiled. I reached down the center. Wanda did it.

" I'm not very flexible. If you can go further you should" I said. She nodded. I watched as she went back a lot. " Woah," I said. She came back and smiled. I stood up straight. " You're... bendy," I said. She smirked.

" Okay, um next," I said reaching behind my back with my arm. I pulled on it. I switched. After a couple of seconds, I brought my leg up to my butt and pulled. Wanda copied. I switched. " Okay, that should do it," I said.

" Great! Do you mind if I put on some music. I don't really like the silence" She said. I nodded.

" Of course, whatever you want," I said. She smiled and made her way to the speaker.


" let's see what you're at right now," I said walking over to the rights rack. I picked up 10-pound weights. I handed them to her. Her arms drooped down slightly. I cocked an eyebrow.

" I've never lifted weights before," She said lifting the weights back up.

" Don't be alarmed but I need to see if it's too much or too little" I said walking behind her. I put my arms on her biceps. " Okay lift it now," I said. She did so. I felt her muscles move as she lifted the weight. They felt about right. Not too much strain not too easy. " Seem's I was right," I said walking ahead of her. " Ten is perfect," I said smiling.

" Really? That seems like too little?" She said.

" Yeah, trust me any higher and you'll be struggling to lift them," I said making my way toward the bench press.

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