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I felt breathing on my neck. Soft cool breaths brushed against my collarbones. Those soft breaths were replaced with violent shaking. My eyes opened fast. I groaned. I continued getting pushed back and forth. "What?" I groaned. " Aiko. Aiko" The older twin said. I groaned and flipped over to face him. " what?" I asked wiping my eyes. " two things. One, I can't find Wanda. Two, would you like to play video games with me?" Pietro said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " I'm right here," The younger Sokovian twin said sitting up from beside me. I glanced at her. Her hair was a mess and she had replaced the dress she had on last night with one of the shirts from my wardrobe. I turned to Pietro. His mouth was making an 'o' shape. I snickered at his reaction. He turned back to me. " do you want to play video games with me soon?" He questioned still eager. I smiled. " Yeah, sure. Let me wake up first though" I said yawning. He nodded. I opened my eyes. He was still there. " get out," Wanda said and threw a pillow at him. He zoomed out before the pillow could hit him. " Better luck next time" he taunted before shutting the door. Wanda chuckled and wrapped her arms around pushing me back into the bed. She snuggled her head against my shoulder. I smiled at her affection. I got the urge to lick her cheek. I don't know why but I wanted to. It was so tempting. Her porcelain skin shining in the morning sun. " Can I lick your cheek?" I questioned. She furrowed her eyebrows. " Is that an Asgardian way of saying good morning?" She questioned barely opening her eyes to look at me. I thought about saying 'yes' but I couldn't lie to her. " No, I just want to," I said. She huffed then nodded her head. I smiled. I leaned down and drug my tongue across her cheek. She smiled and laughed. She wiped off her cheek with her blanket. "Pietro is waiting for me," I said looking into her eyes. She sighed. " If I get a kiss I'll let you go," she said narrowing her eyes at me playfully. I smiled. " Ask for a kiss whenever you want, darling," I said smiling into the kiss. Our lips pressed against each other and moved like puzzle pieces meant to fit together. She put her hand on the back of my neck. She sat up as she continued the kiss. She flipped me over and straddled my waist. She raised from the kiss and looked down at me smugly. " you look good as my bottom" she whispered then got up. I was left a bit confused. What did she mean by bottom? Her rump? Her ass!?! She put on some pants and then left the room. I was still a bit confused but got up and put on a button-up loose white shirt with some black basketball shorts. I made my way downstairs and grabbed an apple and looked at Pietro. He was holding a controller connected to a console for gaming. He had it connected to the big T.V in the main living enter of the Compound. I heard cars pull up outside. Sam joined Pietro on the couch. "Whatchu playin little man?" He questioned. I turned and looked back outside. " There are some recruits here to train with Steve and I, "Natasha said as she entered the room. I furrowed my eyebrows. " When will they be starting?" I asked biting into my Apple. " in an hour." Natasha said. I nodded slowly. "You're welcome to join us if you would like?" She said smirking at me. I laughed and shook my head. " No, no. The only training I ever did was fight those who challenged me to duels. Usually to ask my hand in marriage or to take me out on a date. My father would usually stop me before I beheaded them. Though deserved" I said. Natasha just stared at me. " what?" I asked. She looked like she was about to say something then stopped herself. " I'm not even gonna comment," she said. " I think you should join us, Aiko. Whether a duel or not. Still good to know that we're leaving civilians in good hands" Steve said. I bit into my Apple once more. " Yes, I suppose you have a point," I said raising my eyebrows. " I told Pietro I would play games with him first though. I shall join you in this 'training' later on." I said nodding my head and walking over to Pietro and Sam. I sat down next to Sam. Pietro was on the left of him and Sam was in between us. L

"Alien Isolation," Pietro said responding to my question. " Hmm. Sounds..." " terrible?" Natasha said walking past me. I tilted my head agreeing. " No. it's a really fun game. What's going on is that you are an astronaut trapped in space on your ship. The problem is, there's an alien roaming around trying to find you and kill you. You have to find everything to fix the ship and eventually kill the alien. And get back to earth" Pietro explained. I blinked. " Why can't you just take a pod?" I questioned. " There isn't one," he said. " That can't be true. Every ship has to have an escape pod. It's practically space law" I said. "There isn't a pod!" He said. I raised my hands in defense. "Okay..." I said.

Pietro and Sam arguing over what to choose were getting annoying. I decided to go and take a look at the recruits. I watched from the tower as Steve ran at the front with a group following tightly in order behind him. I think he was testing their endurance. " Hey," A familiar female said from behind me. I smiled slightly and turned. It was Wanda. " Hey," I said. She smiled and walked forward. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. " What's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head. " Nothing. I just wanted a hug" She said looking up at me and smiling. I smiled back. " What do you say to ditching the recruits and... training with me?" She said cautiously. I thought about it. " What if I swing by and say hello to the recruits... Then train with you? Hmm?" I said. She huffed then nodded. I laughed. " All right. I'll meet you in the gym in 10 minutes tops" I said pointing at her and walked around her. She smiled. " Make it 9," She said. " hmmm... Deal" I said then ran down the steps. I could hear her laugh as I ran down the stairs.

" you have to be prepared to... Aiko. Glad you could join us" Steve said as I approached them. " Glad I had the opportunity," I said approaching them. They all turned and looked at me. " How are they doing so far?" I asked Natasha. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. " Relatively good," She said. I nodded. " Got somewhere to be?" Natasha asked me as Steve continued talking. " I do actually. I'm training with Wanda in a couple of minutes." I said. Natasha nodded. " How did last night go?" She asked. I shrugged. " It was... nice," I said. She laughed slightly.

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