Don't Worry

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Chapter 3

      Lightening made it's appearance through the night, falling through the curtains, rain pushing up against the windows in a furious spit of anger, and thunder falling in synchronized moves as it danced to the vexation of rain. These fits filled the various rivers and lakes, supplying the Kingdom with the needed electricity to fill rooms with light as family or friends gather in numerous joys of their lives, playing cards, staying late into the night speaking among the acts of the day. 

      Laying up in bed Arthur stared between the crack between the curtains as white stained the floor. These nights he found it difficult to sleep, the sounds were comforting and lured him out of sleep, calling out to walk the halls in socks, taking gentle steps into a dance with a partner who holds him with a soft embrace. Turning to look over his shoulder he found his husband to be curled into the covers, time swirled in his mind of the day of their marriage, that night came with a downpour as well. Arthur had imaged the night would be the same, Alfred dragging in late throwing his glasses on the bedside table and falling in, but it seemed something had come over them during the hardest pour of that year as Alfred waited until night fell down, with everyone having come down into a restful sleep. Finding Arthur sitting at the window he held his hand out, once the two had been pulled together a dance commenced, no music was needed that night as their steps were concealed through thunder coming and breaking silence. 

     Rustling came from beside him, glancing over he saw Alfred rise from his spot, "Reminds you of that night. Right, or is it just me?" He rasped, wiping his eyes as small water marks could be seen on the sheets.

     Pulling the sheets off of him he came in closer, having originally feared for the ceiling to have cracks instead wiping his eyes once again that day, "Yes it does." He watched with tired eyes as Alfred pulled himself up away from his lover's gentle hands upon his face, fixing his hair and placing his glasses on.

     "These storms don't happen often." He gestured, extending his arm out.

     Placing his hand on the others, he pulled himself off the bed with ease, Alfred easing him into his arms, "Would be a shame if we didn't act upon it." A smile slowly but surely formed on their faces, as each agreed to returning to a night when nothing besides one another came to mind, taking to the halls as their steps increased, losing themselves in their dance.   

. . 

     Yao was storming between the two, deciding who he should project his anger on first as they two stood next to one another, the King acting as a post to the Queen as he clung onto him for support, stifling yawns every now and then. 

      "What were you two even doing last night to be this way? I would expect no less of this out of you," He declared pointing to Alfred who looked to the side, "but you I would expect more of you." He snarled to the Queen who didn't even acknowledge him and continued clinging onto the thick fabric of the King's robes.

      Having put up with this enough Alfred placed his arm around his Queen, feet sore from the hours of keeping on his toes, "Do you want the truth or rather keep that a mystery for the night."

      Clamming up he went silent, his mind running with ideas due to nobody having found out about their activities that would ensue on those harsh nights. Alfred gave a quick glance over his shoulder before escorting Arthur to the dining hall, who had almost given up walking for the day and rather looked like a rag doll being held in the other's arms. 

      That morning shock seemed to be the main course, for once the crowns didn't yell or keep themselves separated in the morning, rather sitting together keeping a conversation between them even as Yao walked in, stopping in his steps before a smile fell on his face. For once peace reigned in the morning. 

     "That reminds me," He said, pouring tea into a cup, "Your anniversary is arriving soon." He locked eye contact with Alfred as Arthur choked on his tea, attempting to not show it by covering his face as it turned a deep shade of red.

     "So soon. I had not thought of it." Alfred commented, cracking a laugh as Arthur shoved his elbow into his side. Truly he had thought of it, but had never thought to make an act upon the thought due to the present situation between the two.

     Placing his cup down he straightened his posture, "You haven't celebrated since the night of your wedding, do you plan anything different this year, or shall we refuse to acknowledge it as we always do?" 

     Staying quiet, Yao had believed he had gotten his answer until Arthur piped in, "Surely there is reason to celebrate, that was the day the Spade Kingdom had a pair of rulers who were united in over six centuries." 

      Both of them turned to look at him, "Then I guess it's settled Yao."

      Standing he looked back, "I shall prepare the arrangements." He mused as he left the hall.

     "So, what made you change your mind my King?"

      An uncomfortable wave sent through Alfred before calming down, it was simply out of stress, "Why shouldn't we celebrate. I'm unsure of how Clubs will handle this arrangement, but hopefully it will settle."

     "King Ivan can be reasonable at times, I doubt he'll attempt to ruin a day such as this. After all, he too would understand the importance." Arthur noted, grabbing Alfred's left hand in his as he looked at the rings as they both shimmered in the lights, both designed to resemble aspects of the crowns, each embedded with a blue diamond carved into a Spade, engravings surrounding and diamonds set in meticulous places. Yao's idea, Alfred always remembered the argument between the two and how they had settled on making the rings look like the crowns as a compromise. 

       Alfred hesitated to move, watching as the gold flaked in the light before heading off to his study to read over laws the branches were looking to pass over. Arthur would come in later with a cup of coffee, pulling him out of work to speak upon flower arrangements and what-not; Alfred could still not accommodate himself to despite having been born into the Royal family and being taught on the perfect arrangements depending on the occasion for decades, still it had never been well placed in his head, so once Arthur came along he took over the obligation saying how it was a small piece and not as stressful as his typical work. The flowers had been settled upon orchids that stemmed out from a dark blue into a purple, Arthur had given a reason to why he found it to be an act of romance, right before falling asleep against the other once again. Alfred moved him to go give the response to Yao before he woke up and changed everything, as he typically did whenever in an exhausted state. 

    "Orchids? Really now, I would have thought white roses or carnations."

    Standing in the doorway Alfred slumped against the frame, "Arthur picked them, saying something of how they symbolize love. Might want to intertwine some white ones too, I know they are dazzling but they might be too much." 

    Yao shook his head looking down at Arthurs random choice, "I think there's a reason we leave flower arrangements to you typically. Your tastes typically aren't as expensive."

     "You act like I married out of the Diamond Kingdom." He laughed as Yao shook his head, refusing to let out a laugh at the memory of King Francis walking in with his outfit covered in the symbol of his Kingdom. Even at that time the Spade's refused to speak with him, Arthur constantly having to remind Alfred that he can entertain himself and is just fine alone to make sure they don't embarrass their own Kingdom. 

     "Right, but wasn't it you who sung to your coffee and made him jealous. It went along the lines of, 'Oh coffee the only thing I love in this world." Alfred stopped him before leaving as Yao sung at the top of his cords the song Alfred had once sang early one morning.

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