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Chapter 4

     "Francis, with all due respect, you need to understand what your nuclear plants are doing." Ludwig spat, having been fighting with the other King for the past half hour as the other's drowned themselves in their drinks having gotten sick of the battle. 

     The Diamond Queen having not even bothered to show up and sending their Jack under the intent that she had fallen sick, to which Arthur leaned into his companions side, "Surely she had gotten sick from that disastrous haircut." To which Alfred had to excuse himself before making a scene as he fought to swallow his coffee but it refused to go down with the fight to fall over with laughter. 

     Surely if the meeting had taken a light turn no other Royal was willing to take this up, Arthur watching as Alfred tipped back an entire pot of coffee, one after the other attempting to stay awake through the meeting only to keep losing his posture. 

     "That's enough!" Yao shouted slamming his hands down, the two Kings turned to look as he took his hands off the table and straightened his posture, "Now, I'm sure this meeting has made all of you weary, and due to the time this has continued on for, I believe it is within our duty to offer all of you a night to stay." 

     The two other Spade's stood, not bothering to straighten their shirts or attend to their appearance as Alfred took the floor, "Yao is right, its late, we're all tired," A few groans came up in agreement, "Stay the night and we will reconvene mid-day. Before you leave, I would like to ask of King Francis and Ludwig to sort out their differences before tomorrow, I understand how frustrating this situation is for all of us. Either we are fearing for what will happen to our lands, or we are fearing how it will effect our people, but understand this, yelling at one another until the other falls is not the way to go about this situation." 

     Exchanging glances the two looked at eachother before shaking hands, settling to speak of solutions rather than unnecessary bickering and took to their departure, with that they watched as the other's turned to leave as it had become common for the Spades to harbour the other's as guests, due to how far their Kingdom lay from the others. Once they left Alfred's feet gave out, falling back into the chair, Yao walking over and placing a hand on his unoccupied shoulder as Arthur covered the other, "That was very well spoken. If I'm to share my opinion with the two of you this is foolish, Diamond's are often too stubborn to change their ways. We are fighting a hopeless battle, any way we can find to help them they will refuse, I'm pleased that you have not yet given up this fight no matter how much it exhausts you though; you are truly doing the best for your Kingdom." 

    "As much as I would love to give up and allow them to continue, I cannot for the safety of my people and the other Kingdoms. We tread on thin ice everyday to the pollution reaching our waters."

   The Jack spoke no more, simply offering a smile before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. 

    "Well, if you ask me, I think of the King in a rather stuck-up regard, he's always flouncing about pretending he's better than the rest of us, acts as a child would," Alfred started laughing at the statements, "What, why are you laughing? I'm being serious." 

    "Arthur, tell me of one person you regarded in any good regard even months into knowing them besides Yao." He stayed silent, knowing the only answers were slim having it been with those who would give discounts on bread when prices would rise for an egg or two, or some of the more tolerable royals.

    Sitting down beside him he gently removed his white gloves, exposing the ring he had taken an attentive eye too, "I suppose your right, still he's rather disagreeable." 

     Alfred clasped his hands with Arthurs, closing their fingers together as he turned to him, "He is, maybe that's why I'm such a close companion to him."

     "Yes, you are rather disagreeable too I suppose, some of your ideas are rather ridiculous." He responded in a gentle tone, removing his hand as he slide it over his lover's cheek and pulled him in. 

    The door slammed clashing against the wall in annoyance "King Alfred!" 

     Alfred jerked back coming to his feet, "What is it Kiku?" Despite the adequate ground Arthur stood with the Queen of Hearts he turned to him with a glare before taking in how frantic the normally tranquil Queen had become.

    "It is our Jack, he has fallen unconscious and we're unable to awaken him." 

    Alfred exchanged an apologetic look to Arthur before running off to Kiku's side, "Why didn't you take him down to the emergency unit, or inform Yao?" 

    "I couldn't find your Jack, Ludwig just told me to get to the first Spade I could find." He huffed as he tried to keep up with Alfred who was sprinting to the room they occupied. 

    The following consumed an hour of the night, keeping the Hearts and Spades up as they tried to reassure one another, Yao worrying over how this would look while the two reassured them that despite it happening on their grounds it was not their fault nor in their liability. Turns out it was partially their fault, however somehow they were not allowed to take part in liability by the King's word commenting on how they had taken caution to this, which confused the three of them as they had never heard of such a thing; Arthur at this point not even having it and only staying in the wing as Alfred looked ready to fall over ill himself. The two separated for the night, apologies being exchanged between the royal's before turning their own ways Yao dragging himself to his room already having prepared for his sleep. Everyone attempting to not be weirded out by the Jacks long hair being out of it's low ponytail, and how it would hang loosely around his shoulders.  

    Once the door to their room had finally closed the two draped off their coats and began turning into more comfortable clothes, "That stupid Jack!" Arthur spat, combing his hair in the mirror as Alfred stood next to him checking his eye's to make sure they didn't look too bloodshot. 

   "Arthur don't."

   "No! He shouldn't have touched your coffee anyways, I don't care how exhausted he was there's a reason we have a caution warning around your coffee. It almost killed one person before, he should've just kept doing what the rest of us had, rather than sticking his tongue in your cup!"

    Before he could rip out his hair Alfred grabbed onto his arm, pulling the comb out of his hand and taking out a knot in gentle strokes, "Listen, maybe it's just time I change my caffeine intake for everyone's safety." 

    "Yes, how I would love to constantly brandish your toes." He raised, pulling away. 

    Alfred following suite, flicking off the bathroom lights as he came into the main room where candlelight flickered from the doorway.

    Thunder rang in silencing them in a stealth move, they both looked to the windows where their curtains were flung open, the window being cracked causing them to gently sway in the wind.

    Walking up to him he laid his hand upon his cheek, Arthur pulling in, "I understand why you're upset. I'm not thrilled I promise, but he was desperate." 

    The candle flickered, causing them to be covered by the darkness, "Still don't understand how we're not taking liability to this."

    "Arthur, I love you, but please never ask me or anyone how that works because I do not want to hear that hell hole of a conversation." He smiled as Arthur clasped his cheek pulling him in as the lightening illuminated their silhouettes. 

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