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Chapter 5

      "I'm only elaborating that I wasn't in the right condition."

      "No, you always do this." Alfred responded, pinching the bridge of his nose.

      "You could have just awaited until I woke up!" The shorter monarch spat in a venomous rage, hands clenching onto the edge of the table, his fingertips and first joint turning white through the pressure he's placing down on them.

      Turning to him he looked at the tense male next to him, his hair turned in different ways and still dressed in his night clothes, "Yeah, the way you sleep I would have to wait until next year, and by then I would have lost my hearing from your obnoxious snoring." 

      Alfred could feel the harsh hit he received from the Queen, knowing that it wouldn't leave a mark despite the fit the other was having, displeased with the words he had just discerned, "How dare you. You're the one who wake's everyone!"

      "It was one time that happened. I apologized, I didn't mean for that to happen!" The taller of the monarchs defended, staring down at the shorter one with an intensity that made most uncomfortable unless they had taken up even more than a week in the presence of the couple.

       The rest having heard enough, many having tended to their leave after having a few sips of tea, having awoken and come down to breakfast to hear the two monarchs bickering, over what only those who resided in the palace full-time could tell you normally; however, this time it wasn't worth asking any of them as it seemed to be kept into the constraints of those adorned in shades of midnight. "What is it that you are having a fuss over?" Elizabeta, the Queen of Clubs, queried to the two Spades.

       Alfred silenced himself, not wanting to speak of the apparent cause out of embarrassment, he surely was childish at times but even he could atone to this being overdone and foolish, especially for it to be out of his companion: the one who prided himself on his maturity and sense of high class. Arthur taking this as his chance, "This fool placed in flower arrangements before consulting me twice."

      "So, what is the problem, surely it shouldn't cause such a pontificate between the two of you." 

      The two Spades looked at eachother, suddenly realizing  why they should have kept their mouths shut in-front of the others, coming to a silent agreement that this could possibly be saved for later, and there was no need to further maintain a debate over such trivial matter's. "It's for our anniversary" Alfred blurted out, receiving a noticeable jab from his Queen, who had believed the two had come to some type of concurrence. 

       At this Elizabeta clapped her hands together, a smile plastered on her face, "That's wonderful, it's not often we find monarchs married," She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Other than political reasons."

       Arthur took his pointed gaze to Alfred, trying not to show the concern that was twisting around him, knowing well that the Queen would be more accepting of this due to her mannerism and having married solely for political reasons and her King's notable lack of loyalty to her; occasionally having slipped his eye to Alfred more than a few times before his marriage, a strain bonding between them and their negotiations when it was announced to the other's of their reasons for marriage. Speaking of, King Ivan having not yet joined them, which most who remained seated appeared thankful for the absence, "You're not perturbed by this?" He uttered, easing his tone to the other Queen, now calmly sitting as he situated the cuffs of his shirt. 

       Staring at the two she noticed the anxious feeling residing between the two, seemingly attempting to connect what there was to be upset about, "Ah, I get it. No, surely he's still troubled, to say the least, about that, but we wouldn't ruin your anniversary over this. Ivan is a cold man, however, in the years I've known him he would never ruin a marriage."

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