Switch Saviours

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Chapter 29

      The sun was setting now, shadows throwing past every object as night threatened to arrive at their very fear. Where was he? Night was soon to arrive, the plan had been for him to get here within the time of sundown from the depths of the lake, it was becoming agonizing, unbearable to an extent, no longer able to feel above the knee. Taking a seat he looked in the water, now reflecting warped shades of pinks and orange, looking up to finally stare into the dark abyss.

      Had all of this been his fault, it was possible he should have lingered after Alfred jumped, unknown if he had met the water or been jinxed into some sham, maybe it would be best to return to that hell so the other wasn't stuck alone or unconscious. Although, would it matter? In that world Arthur was nothing more than another product of refraction, in that world he was similar to a rainbow and Alfred was the only one looking up to the sky in order to see what was left as the sunlight's rays were split due to the rain scattering around the open troposphere. That's how it felt, because in all the spells and nights of wasting away in tears drowned by a screaming kettle into the latest hours only to drag himself, never would they appear to one another, the King constantly looking insane as he spoke and laughed to himself as nobody knew of the other presence. 

. .

     Life would return to normal: meetings, paperwork, Arthur being all so bitter but glorious all the same. There would be days when they didn't get along, fighting over ridiculous issues that made no significant change upon them or their Kingdom, but it would mean something to one of them in the short span of time they argued, refusing to associate with the other afterwards or agitated by each others actions but, it was alive and gorgeous, because they had made it like that, it had been their decision from the start. Marriage had never been a requirement for them, all that was necessary was to not attempt murder upon the other crown in sheer hatred, and in time that too had been dissipated within the ashes. it had become far more than a co-existence within one another's presence.

      Wrapping up from a meeting the room was now barren, all except one who shuffled through all of the paperwork handed over, sorting it to his prim tastes. The discussion hadn't been of much important, rather a gathering with their council on the discussion of inflation and how to ease their economy through ensuring poverty rates didn't increase until this too surpassed.

      Every nervous feeling overcame him, causing his cheeks to flush red, finally gathering enough strength to address the other, "Your majesty?" earning a small hum of acknowledgment, stunned to an extent how gentle the other was being as he had for the past few months whenever they spoke, "Could I impose a question on you?" 

      Sighing he tilted his head, "Perhaps, however if it's on the discussion that ensued you will have a mark on your cheek for a week." Keeping his temper, as instructed by their advisor after one rather foul temper in a private discussion. 

      "Then be relieved, its not." Closing the folder he fought to swallow the lump in his throat, taking a seat. "I know we've been living together for two years, and-"

      The other's chair was slammed into the table, Alfred receiving a death glare from the blonde, "If this is to say you want me to get a different room, forget it!" Taking his hand from the bottom of his jaw in a swift harsh motion down to his side, "I'm not having this Kingdom in shambles because you want to sleep around with some dame." Biting back his tears and turning turmoil, heading for the door.

. .

      That was it, he had had quite enough of this sitting game, removing his coat and vest, deciding that if his body were to be found he would prefer to be not be nude therefore keeping his shirt on. Setting his shoes aside he took a breath, taking a few steps back before taking a running start, mimicking how Alfred had done it.

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