Not Like Other Kingdoms

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Chapter 30 - Epilogue

      Once Alfred was out of recovery, they took steps returning him to daily life, going through various types of therapy to figure out what did and didn't work all too well, the two learning to return to their old ways with the addition of both now retaining their own trauma. Discovering their best communication being nights when Arthur had coerced the other into a dance, nothing extreme and to remain in the room, taking the role of follower as he always had, letting the thoughts of being forced into the action dissipate through his gentle steps, never pulling or forcing the other's hand; allowing Alfred to lead before it became more than rainy nights, soon the two barely getting any sleep as they would take to the halls enough that their advisor would meet them around three most mornings, asking for the two to return to their room. 

       After six years everything pieced back together, to the King's satisfaction, thrilled with being able to enjoy and participate in what the two had always done before their lives had been viciously ripped apart, now gluing it all together as the months passed by. Renewing their vows, with an additional ring bestowed upon the Queen's hand as an oath to never let harm come to the other, who found the action sweet and soon had a similar ring to return to his husbands hand. Although, throughout finding their former lives held up again and no longer pushing his husband away, Arthur refused to acknowledge that their age difference had been narrowed, claiming for it to not take affect in their universe, the other never pushing or persisting different, simply accepting the others denial. In Arthurs eye's he was far younger than he really was, and the age showed but he didn't mind being considered younger, it helped ease whatever may resurface late into the nights.

      With their lives taking a more comfortable setting, meetings had become more synchronized with the verbal threats laid aside, managing to persuade Francis into considering different methods and alternative routes, even with his stingy ways when it came to cost, though he had been worked down to an agreeable manner with the help of the Queen of Diamonds, who didn't hesitate to step in, supported with the Queen of Clubs on her side once the news of Alfred's recovery had surfaced amongst the Kingdom's. 

       The citizens of Spade's having no account of what truly happened to their King, nor did anyone outside of the monarchies who, while struggled with the idea and even an entire notion that other universes existed outside of theirs, didn't question when the two bore their scars, placing their suspicions and accusations to rest - mostly from how gruesome they were, specifically on the Queen, who was thankful that most of them had seemed to disappear on his face except for one along his left eye, although Alfred claimed it gave him a "fierce determination and will" all the while engulfing the other in a loving embrace. Feliciano did soon recover from the coffee incident, to which he admitted that Alfred should change his dose, the other only laughing into his drink, having stopped drinking such strong amounts upon return, having done no good to his health. Turns out, extreme amounts of caffeine did not assist with his anxiety, having messed with his medication enough to the point a corner of their bedroom had been designated as his own, Arthur typically waking to the other's panic attacks and coming to his husband's aide.

      Now with the winter holidays taking place, the two were off for some alone time, having rented out a remote cabin in the middle of the deepest parts of the woods, far from the capital. Taking their first time alone without work in over ten years, still rather full of life despite their age, and their eternal flames towards their respective partners and own selves still burning bright, figuring that if being kidnapped and tortured couldn't separate their hearts from one another, then there truly was nothing that could tear them apart. 

       Other Kingdom's could groan over how their marriages weren't true or real, Alfred and Arthur had figured out how to work it out, even in the worst ways when they shouldn't have been able to, even if assistance was needed in some cases, they knew who they had married and both could agree to never finding someone better for themselves.

. .

      Crackling wood filled the empty space that may have once been filled with a group of monarchs yelling at one another, sun peaking over the summits, snowfall covering the surrounding areas in a light blue from the moons fading appearance.

      "Hello." A soft tone announcing the others presence.

      Turning to take in the others return, accepting the mug offered to him, warming his hands. "Hey." Lifting part of the blanket for the other to shuffle under.

      Taking a seat next to the King, shuffling to get closer without spilling the hot contents over either of them, his heart filled with delight, resting his head onto the blondes shoulder, resting a hand onto his arm as he leaned into his presence, eased that this was another winter they had together. Alfred rested the cup on the nearby table, laying his hand ontop the others, letting their minds rest easy with the fire providing the needed warmth to isolate them from the drastically dropping temperatures, and Arthur finding an additional source of warmth. 

      Feeling a soothing sensation cross his cheek, he turned his head instinctively being met with the affection once more, gently leaning into Arthur's palm, "It's snowing." Taking note of the lines that had harrowed their way under the other's eyes, still as startling as emeralds, even as the man neared his forties he still managed to retain a similar appearance from his twenties, the only difference being the exhaustion that had made its presence known. Alfred having his own creased lines to match, although the age having hit him harder although Arthur would never point out despite the closed age gap, Alfred had greys laced through golden locks, but he never minded, afterall he wouldn't have fought so hard to have him once more if he had only cared for the other's looks, his personality was the bigger picture: caring, thoughtful, and bringing forth a calming and eccentric presence. 

      Chuckling he leaned into the others chest, "So it is my love." The cup being suspended in midair, Arthur twirling his finger so the spoon would mix what had settled to the bottom, his focus being interrupted with the others small affection. The Queen yelping when a generous amount of the cocoa fell onto his pyjama bottoms, his husband working quick to catch the rest before fixing it onto a table, setting it by his own. "Alfred," Whining out, getting off his husband's lap to go change before he felt the heat burn into his skin.

      Following he handed the other a towel, laughing at the other's tone as he offered an apology, not having realized a kiss would distract him as much as it had. Being hit with the now dirty pair of trousers, setting them in the hamper only for Arthur to walk up to him, a glass of iced water in his hand, his companion already knowing what was to come, taking off from the bedroom through the rest of the cabin. 

      Throwing the door open, the snow pierced through his uncovered feet, falling onto his back with a small yelp as Arthur tripped back into him, the glass leaving his hand being discarded somewhere near the doorframe and in the snow. Panting as snow fell over them, Arthur taking control of his position over the other, grabbing some snow into his hand before letting it drop over the King's face who's eye's shot open at the cold feeling. Grabbing a small handful he didn't hesitate to reciprocate the action, ruffling it through the other's hair, the blonde jumping off leaving Alfred laughing at his reaction. 

      "You scoundrel!" Teasing as he picked up more once he had shaken most of it out, watching the King scamper up to his feet in order to avoid his husbands fury, giving him enough time to do so before pelting him in the back. 

      These actions continuing early into the morning, past when the sun had taken its bestowed glory, snow having ceased it's actions replaced with a comforting breeze that made the white blanket swirl up in small waves, running across the broken sheets now filled with prints. Each sharing marks from slipping and their clothes soaked, Arthur laying atop the taller male, lacing their hands together as their rings glistened in the light. Closing his eye's, not making any motion as he was gathered into the other's arms, sitting down in front of the fire to dry off after their early morning. Arthur clutching onto the other as he settled into the man's figure, a soft hum coming from his throat.

      Peering up, he leaned into the gentle touches as water was wiped from his cheek, "I love you." 

      "I love you too, my dear." Taking the other into his embrace, holding him close, their day was ending just as it had started, together.

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