The Plan

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Chapter 12

      Rushing in he threw the French doors open, almost dropping to his knees in his desperation. He didn't bother to look at the others as he walked over, snatching Yao's grip and pulling him out of the room, who was now trying to pry the King's grip. His nails going deep enough into Alfred's hands to draw blood, but that didn't seem to affect him as the doors closed behind him.

       Yanking his wrist back he felt his body fall back, "What is going on! You come in the fashion of a lunatic then drag me out against my will, not even saying one word, and where's the Queen!" Yao demanded, his voice kept only so low as for others not to hear.

        Reaching in his pocket he pulled out the gloves, letting the Jack take them in his hold, "Yao, I can't find him. It's like he vanished." Trying to remain at ease and not allow his emotions to take hold, he breathed in, and out harshly, only for tears to prick at his eyes. "I should've followed him, I shouldn't have let him go through here alone." He stammered, his voice now chocking up.

        The only time the Jack had seen the gloves not on the Queen's person was that time he refused to wear them, there was certainly something wrong, and the King was not taking the situation well, "Your highness, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to this."

        It was no use at this point, the pent up anxiety in the blonde had taken it's toll with the assistance of the adrenaline, "He's gone. He's gone." Was all he could say, trying to hold back any harsh sounds that may escape his throat, as tears fell down his face as he slumped against a wall.

       Looking around he sighed, brushing the back of his neck before bringing his ponytail over his shoulder. He had never been good with emotions, and that was apparent now, "The Kings watch," the other seemed to listen as the sobs were turned into harsh inhales, "Turn back the time. We'll be able to get to him."

        There it was again, he watched as the other once again fell apart, not understanding why until he finally managed to compose himself, "I can't." He didn't stop to wait for the Jacks response, "While we were here last time something got ahold of me, I thought for sure that I was being delusional but I'm not to believe there is something here, or following us. To be honest, I'm not sure which, but the watch is gone." There was no other option left open, Francis hadn't been seen with it and even that he couldn't feel a mere presence of it.

        "Well, what do you suppose we do. The watch is gone, meaning you can no longer manipulate time, and the Queen is also missing. Which, may I remind you, is the most powerful of the three royals." He informed, handing the gloves back to the Monarch.

         Sliding his frames on he wiped his eyes with the inner fabric of his sleeve, "I'm not sure, go back to the meeting room and say we're heading back early, the Queen is unwell. I'll meet you in the carriage."

         The blondes face wasn't distraught, rather pulled together in a stern manner, "Of-course, your highness, right away."

          He only nodded as he watched the other walk away. No, he wasn't going to the carriage, that was just to get Yao away. Turning on his heel he started sprinting back to that hall of mirrors, stars how he wanted to curse Francis. Walking back in he did his best not to look at himself before landing upon the mirror he had found Arthur's gloves under. Allowing himself to trace the golden framing, before sliding to the glass, whatever he had expected it had not been this, as his fingertips slipped through the glass surface.

       Fear built up in his throat as he pulled his hand out, before deciding there was no other option. Wherever this mirror took him, he would possibly be one step closer to Arthur, or five steps backwards. A start or theory was better than nothing though, and with that he allowed himself to step through.

. .

          His eyes broke open, and yet he couldn't see anything, had he gone blind? No, even at the slow pace it was occurring he was able to make out the stones that his knees were placed on. His throat was parched too, with little to no saliva in his mouth. Trying to move his arms to stretch he only found himself restricted, as he was met with the sounds of chains. Shit. This was just perfect. He thought to himself, still looking around to try and grasp where he was, thinking of any possible way to escape from here, wherever here was, only for his thoughts to be interrupted by small clicks upon the ground.

      "Ah finally, you're awake." A distanced voice chuckled.

       He tried to coach himself to say the right things, he always knew when to hold his tongue in meetings yet nothing in life could prepare him for this, "What do you want." He forced out, hardening his voice the best he could.

       "Oh it's nothing much, just a little thing." He laughed to himself, before coming up to the bars, "Really, I doubt you'll miss it at all. Not for a minute."

      This wasn't doing him any good, and whoever this person was, he had chosen the wrong time to play around with Arthur's mind, "I demand to know who you are!" No, he was losing his composure, the sounds were desperate now.

      "You? Making demands from me? That's quite a funny joke you have there." He stayed silent, his hands tracing along the bars of the cell, "Although, suppose I do play this game, who would be demanding such a thing from me." He placed emphasis onto the last word, and it was almost as if you could hear the grin in his voice.

      "That would be the Queen of Spades who demands to know." He snipped back, this conversation was dreadful and he could feel fatigue wash over him.

        In one second the other had bent their neck back, laughing, "Oh yes, you are quite a laugh, believing you can make demands in my Kingdom. Dear Queen of Spades, you must wonder by now why I've got you here. Please do keep wondering, for this has been one delightful game from the start." He snickered.

         Arthur's eyes widened, from the start. What did he mean. "What ever in the four realms could you possibly mean by that?"

         A match was flicked and a candle lit, enough to brighten some of the room on the opposite side of Arthur. His stomach twisting at what he saw, "I'm surprised nobody noticed, I've been there for years, watching from the shadows, awaiting the perfect chance to strick. Watching your "marriage" fall apart. Surely that drugging incident should have been enough to separate the two of you, it was a brilliant plan, I wouldn't have thought of it myself in truth. Somehow, you two always come back together."

       He hated this, hearing how this person spoke of his marriage. Anger boiling at he managed to stand up using the chains holding his arms as a support, "I'm going to ask again, what do you want!" He yelled, it echoing throughout the walls of the prison.

       "The answer is simple really. Something you've come to love dearly, but never give the time nor attention it deserves."

        He lost feeling in his legs, hitting the stone with a loud thud and having to bite his lip to refrain from crying out in pain, "No."

        The others hands clapped together, "Yes, and you will be my bait!"

          Goosebumps creeped up, him bait? For Alfred? No, no Alfred would come and this wretched prat would get exactly what he wanted, "No. No, do whatever you want to me, just don't touch him. Leave him out of this."

          "It seems I have hit a weak spot." His laughter now ringing through, "Oh, I'm already going to do whatever I please with you, my intentions were never to keep you alive, dear me no. You're the insignificant part of my plan, the only reason I have you is to lure in the prize." Arthur stared at him, trying to hide the ill feeling that settled over him, "I have no need for you, I simply desire your King." He stated, trying to sum it up to the distraught Queen, before blowing the candle out, and walking away from the cell.

         Once he heard the door shut, he didn't try to withhold himself, breaking down in a fit of tears and wracked sobs.

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