Chapter 2

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Nolan's POV

"Thanks so much, Nolan. Who knows how far Mel and I would be if it weren't for you. I mean, you carried those boxes as if they didn't weigh a ton. We would only be on our third boxes by now if it weren't for you." Anne chirped with gratitude dripping from her words as she looked at me with tired eyes.

"It was no problem, Anne. I'm glad I could help." I smiled.

"We have to repay you somehow, don't we Mel?" She referred to her daughter who's attention instantly diverted from Grace to us.

"Sorry Mom, I wasn't listening." She apologetically smiled at her mom.

"I said that you and I need to repay Nolan for helping us, right?" She repeated with a smile of amusement marring her soft features that looked just like her daughter's.

"Right. We really do," She turned to me with a smile that almost made a gasp escape from my lips as my breath hitched. Mate bonds!" Who knows how far Mom and I would be if it weren't for your help."

I lightly chuckled, scratching the back of my neck," It really isn't necessary."

"It is." Both mother and daughter simultaneously answered, looking at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Okay, how about this, we will host you for dinner this Saturday as a thank you? Is that okay?" Anne negotiated.

"Okay, that sounds like a deal." I agreed.

"Awesome, I guess we'll see you on Saturday then." Anne grinned.

My eyes drifted to my little mate's ones that seemed to avoid any eye contact that I tried to initiate," Of course," I replied, making her attention finally turn to me, before she ducked her eyes again and looked at Grace's sleeping form in her arms on her lap," I should take her home."

My little mate's eyes seemed to turn a bit darker as slight disappointment dimmed her bright eyes. Guilt instantly filled up my being at her reaction so much so that I wanted to take my words back, but in all honesty, I don't want to leave either, but with her being human, I'll have to take slow, cautious steps.

"You can feel free to come see her when we're at home." I offered to try and lift up my little mate's spirits. 

She looked up at me with hope glimmering in those dark eyes," Really?" She asked. I just couldn't find it in me to break my mate's happiness, which is probably why I let my body react before my mind did as I nodded. She immediately smiled at me with excitement," Thank you!" She beamed, making my heart swell with pride at making my mate happy and most of all, happiness.

"Anytime." I smiled.

She carefully positioned Grace in her arms before getting up and making her way to me with the sleeping child. 

She gestured for me to take her with a small smile, that I returned before taking Grace into my arms, letting her head lay in between my neck. She slightly squirmed in my arms but thanks to a bit of back rubbing, she settled back into her deep sleep.

"We'll walk you out." Anne softly smiled with a look of nostalgia in her eyes as her eyes glued onto Grace.

I gave a stiff nod in response as I turned around and followed after Anne with with my mate following me. I had to put my will and strength into taking a single step as I thought about leaving my mate behind. I just found her and I have to leave her.

My face was suddenly hit by the warm afternoon sun as I left the cool house.

"Once again, thank you for all your help, Nolan, and please remember dinner on Saturday." Anne softly pleaded.

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