Chapter 12

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Nolan's POV

"You look better today." I nodded as I placed the tray of breakfast on the bedside table next to the bed.

"Yet I feel like goo." He grumbled.

It's been a few days since Zane's incident and I have been taking care of him since. Everyday has shown a bit of progress from the last, but I wouldn't say it was very significant. For one, he barely has enough strength to move around the house without panting afterwards as though he has run a marathon. His skin is almost always lathered in a think shin of sweat and his breathing always ragged. He always gets these strange chills that have him shaking live a leaf and to make it worse, his healing seems to have grown slower than average. Its taken him five days for his wounds to close up, instead of a few minutes and as far as Alex has told me, Liam's presence is growing fainter with the days.

The unfortunate part is he has no intention of telling me why he's like this of his own free will and I've been busy taking care of him that I haven't gotten a chance to ask. Besides, I know that asking him will be hopeless.

"I'm gonna go drop Grace off at school, then I'll stop at the office for a few and come back. If you need me, call." I directed like the co-parent sibling I am.

"I really appreciate all this, but I'm not a child, Nolan." He huffed, rolling his glossy emerald eyes.

"I know," I sighed in defeat while simultaneously running my hand through my probably already messy hair, "But you're my brother and I want you to be okay even if I have to treat you like a child at the end of the day."

"You should go, I promise I can take care of myself in the meanwhile. I'll be okay," He reassured, "In fact, I feel like taking a quick nap. It's only 7h30, and since you'll only be out for a few hours, I should be up by them with ample time to have the porridge you prepared for me." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes, instead, there was something dark, some unspoken sadness lingered in his eyes along with something I can't read. Regret? Guilt? I can't tell.

"Okay, I'll be back," I nodded, leaving the room and heading downstairs to the  happy toddler as she ate her banana. "Hey Pumpkin, are you ready to go?"

She swallowed her last bite before smiling at me and nodding.

"Yes Papa," She proudly grinned," I'm a big girl now."

I lightly chuckled but nodded as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead on my way to grab my flask on the table. It had some much-needed coffee I had prepared for myself while making breakfast.

I had her dressed in a pink and white polka dotted dress with a pink belt and a pair of white sneakers for the day. Her black locks were pulled into two ponytails with white bows that I hope I wouldn't regret later on.

"That you are, Princess," I agreed, looking at her with a nostalgic smile, I'm sure. I can't believe how much time has passed since she was born. I remember when she still wore napkins and I had to change them. I remember how we used to and still sleep together whenever there was lightning and thunder, especially when Zane was not here. "You should hurry and go say bye to your dad, Love."

"Okay." She nodded, jumping off her seat and making her way to Zane's bedroom upstairs.

A wave of dizziness had me grasping the counter as I groaned.

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