Chapter 15

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"We're running out of time." One voice said in my foggy mind.

"Wolf....die." A deeper voice agreed, Damian's.

"....mate." Another soft, weak voice agreed or asked, I'm not sure, all I knew is that the voice belonged to Nolan. That normally sweet and enthusiastic voice now sounded weak and defeated. It broke my heart even in my slightly unconscious state.

"She's waking up." My mother's soft voice said, making all the voices keep quiet as the familiar, gentle touch that I associated with her hand caressed my forehead.

"Mom?" I hoarsely whispered.

"I'm here, Baby. I'm here." She softly reassured with so much care and relief in her voice that it urged me to slowly open my eyes. The bright light of the room had me flinching and closing my eyes again before I attempted once more. The second time was better to my pleasure as I successfully opened my eyes just to find my mother's warm, chocolate brown ones piercing into mine with a whirlwind of emotion, but the most prominent emotion was relief."

"What happened?" I weakly asked as my eyes slowly darted to the familiar setting of Nolan, Zane and Grace's living room, but was I or rather 'we' doing here?

"You fainted, Sweetheart. " She softly explained.

"Fainted?" I faintly asked as I tried to remember all that happened, but unfortunately, everytime I tried, a pain in my head called a headache threatened to crack my skull into two.

"We should tell her, my Love." Damian's soft, but deep baritone voice appeared before Damian's warm features faced me.

"We're not even sure, yet, Damian. We can't spring something like this onto her. Especially when she's as weak as she is." Mom cautiously responded.

"I understand your concern, Luna, but I'm afraid we are running out of time. The more time we don't move the further Liam gets." A young man who looked to be in his early thirties softly explained, but I didn't understand anything they were saying. For one, why is he calling my mom, Luna when her name is Annabelle? Secondly, who's Liam?

"Please Luna?" Nolan's weak voice pleaded from beside me. That's when I noticed the gentle grip on my left hand. My eyes softly landed on Nolan's rugged, exhausted features as he weakly smiled at me while gently caressing my features. He gently squeezed my hand in a way that almost seemed like he was asking me for strength. "Hi Sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"I've been better," I honestly replied, giving him a small smile. His hand felt so warm around mine, it felt so right that I couldn't bring myself to remove it. Or maybe that wasn't the only reason. "What's happening?" His shoulders immediately tensed as his face grew tight with pain. "Where's Grace?" I opted to ask instead.

"She's asleep in her room. All the crying and stress wore her out." He weakly smiled at me. His words had me quietly moaning as a small memory flashed in my mind. Grace was crying so painfully in Nolan's arms, but why?

Looks were suddenly shared around the room as though everyone was voting on who would break the news to the black sheep who didn't know anything.

They eventually settled on my mother who sighed and gently took hold of my hand. She was still wearing the same clothes from dinner, but her make up was completely off and her face looked worn out with exhaustion and stress.

"Sweetheart, Zane is not well," She cautiously said, not knowing that her soft tone did not help to lessen the blow on me as the memories all resurfaced in my mind at lightning speed. The image of a deathly pale and still Zane had my stomach painfully churning and my body growing damp with a thin layer of sweat. My hands felt shaky and my breathing tight and short from the constricted ball in my lungs that did not allow me enough oxygen. "Take it easy, Baby Girl. Take deep breaths, okay? He'll be okay, I promise."

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