Chapter 14

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"Mom, you look great!" I repeated for the upteenth time as I returned the garlic potatoes back into the oven.

She has been changing in and out of clothes for the last hour saying she was looking for 'The One' and to me, every single one of the ones she had changed to were 'The Ones.'

She had on a a grey, off the shoulder pencil dress and a pair of black pumps. Her ears were adorned by a pair of simple, but gorgeous diamond stud earrings that complimented the necklace that caressed her chest. Her black bra straps were clearly visible from her shoulder, but not in at all any ugly way. It was fashionable in its own way. She had gone to the salon earlier today to get her short hair sorted out so now the edge up at her temple was more prominent from her short curls. She had some mascara on to accentuate her already full and long eyelashes and some eyeliner to make her dark eyes seem more darker, but in a very beautiful way. Her lips were coated in nice, maroon coloured lipstick that went exceptionally well with her brown skin.

I on the other was less worried about my appearance which consisted of a pair of blue skinny jeans, a, white, women's button up shirt and some black pumps. My make up was kept to the bare minimum consisting of my favourite translucent lipgloss.

"You really think so?" She nervously asked as her hand ran down her curves to smooth out non-existent creases.

"I promise, Mom," I assured as I made my way over to her and pulled her into an embrace. "Calm down. He'll love you."

"Awe," She pouted as she pulled me into her chest. "Thanks Hon. You're the best."

"I take after you, Mother Dearest." I dramatically coughed as I pulled away and made my way towards the oven. The sound of a knock on the door had me stiffening for a second before I relaxed.

"He's here!" Mom half squealed, half squeaked in excitement and nervousness.

"It would be great to open the door for him then, Mom." I lightly giggled as I put on the oven mittens and placed the wooden board on the counter. I then opened the oven, just as the presence of a baritone, authoritative but warm voice sounded in the kitchen. I carefully grabbed the tray and placed it on the board before turning around to turn off the oven.

"Mel Honey," Mom's nervous, but excited voice filled my ears, making me turn to face her with a soft smile. I wasn't surprised to see the unknown man, what I was surprised to see was how tall and bulky he was. I didn't know Mom was dating a weightlifter. His casual clothing didn't help with decreasing his strong and demanding aura as he softly smiled at me. His blonde locks and baby blue eyes gave him this innocence that the firmness in his eyes betrayed. The navy-blue skinny jeans and white dress shirt only made him look charming, but boss like. He was the type of person who'd makes you feel insignificant under his mere stare if you made his angry. "This is Damian." She introduced with a giddy, but sweet smile.

"Hi," I awkwardly greeted. How can I be normal when I feel so intimated. I mean, Mom has never brought guys over, so I don't know how to act towards them, especially this gigantic, intimidating one. "It's nice to meet you, Sir."

"Please, just Damian," He said, his voice wavering at the end as if it pained him to say his own name. Mom gave him a soft smile, while gently rubbing his arm, kind of confusing me a bit, but who was I to say anything. "Oh," He said as if he remembered something before he placed a medium sized gift bag on the counter. "This is for you." He nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. The same man who stands in front of me with an air or authority is nervous? I never see that everyday.

"Thank you." I softly smiled as I grabbed the bag and pulled it toward me. A part of me felt awkward and didn't know how to act, but another part of me urged me to show the happiness that boiled inside of me as well. I genuinely loved surprised.

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