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Hi guys!

It's the author, Abi, here.

I just thought I'd revisit this story, and found myself cringing through it all xD.

So!!! I just thought I'd let y'all know that I'll be editing this story, perhaps rewriting a couple parts. But the essential story will be the same.

As I update each part, I will put a few ** in the title, so you know when they're done.

Anywho! By all means, if you don't want to check out the new writing, don't -- you wont miss too much, as the story will ultimately remain the same. But if you're interested in how I might be able to spruce it up, feel free to read!

And above all else, I wish you

Happy Reading!
~Abi <3

A Multi-ship Story **in Editing*Where stories live. Discover now