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"What do you mean, The truth??? I thought you told me everything already..."

Jenny glanced at Gibbs, then returned her eyes to Lexi's. "We told you mostly everything..."

Lexi made a noise that sounded like a scoff. "Tell me everything... I have a right to know."

"Okay, Alexis... When you were shot, Jethro and McGee fought for you. Unfortunately, they didn't gain any ground. They were hurt, and by the time they recovered, you were gone."

Lexi closed her eyes, remembering the sounds she buried in her memories from that day.

Jenny continued, "We tracked down Mr. Peterson, interrogated him, and, like we told you, he said he'd sold you to the highest bidder. We tried looking for you. We looked everywhere. The case never closed. But, we didn't find you... you found us."

Lexi opened her eyes again at this, she met Jenny's gaze.

"You knocked on the door, and we were shocked. I mean, we thought the worst -- that you were dead. But you showed up..."

Lexi searched Jenny's eyes for more information. She saw her hesitation. "What else?"

Jenny looked at Gibbs, who continued the store. "You were different... physically, you weren't healthy. You can still see the bruises on your arms. They were worse then... we brought you in, you sat on the couch, and we were talking, trying to find out what happened. But when we started talking about you getting shot... it was like a flip switched in you."

When Gibbs paused, Lexi asked, "What happened?"

Gibbs met Lexi's eyes. "Lexi, you were hurt, you didnt have any control over-"

"What. Happened." Lexi demanded.

Gibbs looked at Jenny, then back to Lexi. "You had a knife... you went off trying to..."

Lexi grew horrified. "To what??"

"Well, I can only assume you were trying to kill me."

Another flip of the world in Lexi's head. She closed her eyes as nausea crept in with the memories. She had a vague memory of slashing the knife wherever she could, slicing above Gibbs's collarbone, drawing blood.

Lexi covered her face, stabling her breaths, before looking up again. She sniffed once, then stared at Gibbs. "Then what..?"

"When Jen stepped in, grabbing the knife, you took off. Ran out the front door, and we couldn't catch you."

Jenny took over the story, "We got a call a few days later that you were in the hospital, unconscious. They found you on a street somewhere, you had that nasty cut on your head. They figured you tripped and hit your head or something of the sort."

Lexi closed her eyes tight again. Running, panting, slipping in the rain and hitting hard on a curb. She remembered all of it as they described it to her. But why would she do such a thing? Now everything made sense of why Lily now hated her. She was scared...

Suddenly, Lexi began to feel the same feeling she felt in the hotel room back when this all started. Her chest tightened, and she couldn't get a full breath. She couldn't breath, and the only explanation in her head was that she was dying. She frantically scratched at her throat as she wheezed, gasping for air to come through her tightened throat.


She heard her voice, but it was so far away. Lexi closed her eyes tight, trying to steady herself, but unable to cross that line of safety. After a few minutes of this, she gave into the fear, and everything went dark.


When she awoke, Lexi squinted to see the bright room. The tv buzzed in her head, the evening news playing in the background. A few beeps from the machine above her. She wrinkled her nose at the hospital smell all around her.

She looked around. Only Jenny was in the room, looking at her phone, reading something.

"Jenny?" She croaked out.

Jenny instantly looked up, putting her phone away, giving Lexi a pleased smile. "Hey.. you're awake."

Lexi only looked at Jenny with a dead look in her eyes. That was just before the tears came, and Lexi broke. Her face twisted in the overflow some emotion she had no way to express except for crying.

Jenny reached out and held her hand, rubbing her arm gently. "Oh, Lexi... it's gonna be alright.

Jenny moved to the bed, half sitting and putting her arms around Lexi's shoulders. Lexi leaned into Jenny, shaking from the sobs.

"Honey, what's going on??" Jenny asked in a soothing voice.

When she gathered herself, Lexi answered in a whisper, "I- I remember..."

"What is it? What do you remember, Lexi?"

She leaned harder into Jenny's shoulder. "Everything..."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^-^
It was quite fun to create.

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And as always, Happy Reading!!

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