A Sister!?

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I lay on my bed for about 15 minutes. Then Jenny comes in with Gibbs following her. I sit up when they walk in. Jenny sits next to me, but Gibbs stays standing.

"You were right... We should be listening to you a lot more." I nod. "And I know how hard it is for you to grow up without your mother actually being here. But I know that your mom wouldn't want anyone else raising you than Gibbs and me. But you do belong to a family... our family." She looks up at Gibbs when she says that.

"I know that... but, and don't get me wrong I love you guys a lot, but it just isn't... enough... It's not the same as someone actually being biologically related to me..."

Jenny looks at Gibbs... I can tell that they want to tell me something. "What is it?"

She looks back at me and sighs. She puts her hand on my leg and looks me in the eyes. "There's something that your mother hid from you... and I never told you..."


"A sister?! You mean I have a sister?! Like a girl who was born before me!? what??? how? why-? I didn't-? why did she keep it a secret? I don't understand..."

Jenny hold my hand and kinda rubs it. "Calm down. I will answer any question you have... Your mother had a daughter before you. Her name was Rachel. She is now 21 years old and is living actually close by... When she was little, she was taken from your mother. She was gone for fourteen years. She was taken before she was a year old and was rescued when you were eight. She refused to go to a lady she didn't even know, so she just decided to go into the foster care system..."

At first, I am shocked. Then I am angry, "You didn't tell me???"

"Your mother didn't want it."

"But you know where she lives? and you know everything about her?"

"Yes.... I do."

"...C- can I meet her?"

Jenny pauses, glances at Gibbs. Then nods. "Yes, I will make some arrangements for you to meet her..."


The very next day, Jenny lets me stay home from school and sleep in. She wakes me up around 11:00. "Hey, you should be getting ready. You're going to go meet your sister for lunch."

I shoot up out of bed. "Really???"

"Yes. I made some arrangements this morning. She's really excited to meet you."

I get up and frantically pace around my room. "What do I wear??? What do I say?? I wonder if she will like me...."

"Calm down, Lex! I'm sure everything will be fine. Just get ready and as soon as you're ready, we will leave." I hurry up and get ready and run downstairs. "C'mon let's go!"

Soon, I convince Jenny to leave and we drive to Chick-fl-a, where we find a young lady sitting at a table. She turns and recognizes Jenny and waves her over. I see her and gasp. She's so pretty! She has dark brown hair, almost black, just like mine. Her skin is tanish like Mom's. Her hair is a mix between wavy and curly. She has beautiful eyes that look just like Mom's too. My stomach tingles just looking at her.

We approach her and she gets up and smiles. "Hi. You must be Alexis." I smile and nod. "I'm Rachel."

I sit down with her. "So... you're like my... sister?"

She smiles. "Yeah. I guess I am..."

After a while of talking and getting to know her, she says, "I bet you're wondering why I didn't come back to you and your mother..." I nod, glancing down afterwards. "well, I was held captive for 14 years. All I knew was cruelty. It turned me into some emotionless creature and I felt that if I came back, questions would be asked and I liked myself not breaking down in front of people... By the time I realized that I should've come back in the first place, I heard the news that she died." I nod again, still very touchy about the subject. "It must have been very hard for you... and I am so sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me." At this point, she touches my hand that is laying on the table. I look up at her, flashing a smile.

"It's okay... at least now I know why... But it probably would've helped if someone was there..."

"I know. and I will never be able to repay the damage that was done by me not coming back."

"So I heard what's been happening with you lately, I just want you to know that I will be here this time. I am here to help. I want to get to know you a lot better. Maybe we can hang out a lot more often." She smiles and I smile back.

"I'd like that..." 

She hands me a piece of paper, "Here's my phone number. I have yours. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all. Whether it's just the fact that you need to talk, or if you need a quick getaway." We both kinda laugh at that. "but seriously, call me if you need something. Even if you don't need anything and just want to chat. I'll be here from now on, and I'm not leaving."

We say bye and hug. Then we all walk outside and talk there. Right in the middle of us talking, something just takes over my body and I break down. I start sniffling and Rachel pulls me into a hug. She whispers to me. "I know, it's a lot to take in..." Then she starts tearing up, too.

We finally leave chick-fil-a and go home. I feel like I am feeling a thousand things at once. I have a sister... and she wants to be a part of my life... That helps a lot with getting over Mom and Dad, which I never fully did recover from. But having a sister helps.. a lot.

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