2 Years Later

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2 Years Later!!!


With my 18th birthday just ending a week ago, a lot has been changing. I am going to a close by college this year so I can stay at home at nights and just go for the classes. Rachel is 23 and we are getting closer and closer. She has helped me a lot with getting over Mom and Dad. Summer is awesome of course, but it's kind of boring, so today, I am going to the movies with Rachel.


After the movie, we are standing out front, talking about the movie. A black van passes by and stops. The dark window rolls down; a man pulls a gun out and shoots Rachel in the back. She collapses to the ground and I scream and bend down next to her. "Rachel!!" She looks like she's in so much pain. The sliding back door opens to the black van. Two men come out with guns. They come near us. They point the gun at me and I stand and hold my hands up, surrendering.

"What do you want??"

A man approaches me. "You." He puts a bag over my head and I struggle with him for a moment, but I lose. They throw me in the van, I can hear Rachel screaming my name as they close the door. My heart pounds in my chest.

The next thing I know, I am being dragged out of the van and thrown onto a dirt floor. It's really hot outside today, one of the hottest days this summer. All I have on is shorts and a light t-shirt, so it isn't so bad. They take the bag off of my head. It's really bright in the room, two windows that I can see and one door that is bolted. It's more of an old warehouse, rather than a house.

A man walks over to me, bends down, grabs my hair, and lifts up, dragging my whole head with my hair. I cringe at the pain of him pulling my hair. "Oh, you have a lot more coming to you, pretty girl." He rubs the side of my face. "All the DiNozzos must pay." He lets go and lets me fall to the ground. He goes back to his men, whispers something to them, then leaves the place.

The man he whispered to pulls out a little table with a lot of tools and blades on it. I refuse to cry or scream as he walks closer to me. He selects his weapon, a sharp and small knife. Then he bends down to me. "Terribly sorry for this, but orders are orders," he says as he takes the blade and brings it close.


Back at the Movies


 Rachel can't get up off the ground. She thinks that it may have hit her nervous system and could leave her paralyzed. She calls Jenny as soon as they leave. Jenny comes with Gibbs and gets her. They get as much information as possible from Rachel.

They leave Rachel at the hospital and start working on finding me. They use all they can, but it will take a while.


Back at the warehouse, I don't think it could be any worse. I have bruises all over me and a black eye, I have cuts all over. Still, I refuse to scream or cry. The man continues to kick, stab. and punch me because he wants to hear me scream and cry.

Still, I just look at him, a face of pain, but no screams. Eventually, he gives up and takes a syringe that is on the tray. He comes to me, holds me still, and sticks it in my neck. He injects a clear liquid. It stings so bad as it goes in.

After that, practically everything seemed a lot worse than it was. He took a knife at some point and sliced up my shirt, leaving an exposed stomach and chest. He then continued to slice up my skin on my stomach I scream at every slice. I lay on the floor, ready to pass out but not surrendering.

Then he puts the knife back. He picks up something else, but with my blurred vision, I cannot see exactly what it is. He comes down to my almost naked body. He put down the object into another bin or something. He pulls my body by my hair across the room and ties my hands above my head, to a chain.

He returns with the bin. He pulls the object out of the bin and presses it on my skin over a few scratches by accident. It burns horribly and I scream, twisting and trying to get out of the way. He holds it there for what seems like forever, but is really only about 8 seconds. It feels like holding a straightener that is two times the highest heat to your skin for an hour. He does this repeatedly until I lose count of the times he did it. My whole body stings as he walks back to the tools, leaving me there, hanging, and barely being able to touch the ground. My heart beat is getting weaker and breathing is getting worse.

I guess I pass out, because everything goes black.

A Multi-ship Story **in Editing*Where stories live. Discover now