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After several mind-numbingly long hours of staring at her father's desk, Alexis finally was overtaken by sleep. Lily had already long been awake by the time Lexi woke up.

When Lily noticed her friend stirring, she walked over and patted her arm. "Lexi, perfect timing. Abby said she thinks she found where they could be."

Alexis sat straight up. "What? When? Where??"

Abby, who had been talking to McGee and Lily, explained, "We found traces of sulfur in the clay left on the window sill where the attackers must've entered your house after I analyzed it, I found that it actually was a bit of --"

"Abby, please," Lexi stopped her.

"The only location possible based on the time they were missing and the science stuff in the clay would be at this old abandoned house in this neighborhood." She clicked a button and a map popped up on the large screen.

"I've already grabbed a few agents. We're going to find them," McGee said as he finished packing his things and slung his bag over his shoulder. He began marching towards the elevator, where a group of agents were emerging, all suited up.

He stopped when he got to the elevator and, noticing Lexi and Lily following him, turned to them and asked, "Where do you girls think you're going?"

Lexi folded her arms. "To find our parents. Duh."

McGee instantly shook his head. "No way. It's too dangerous. If anything happened to you two, I would be held personally responsible, and I am much more scared of all of your parents than I am of you two."

"Please, Mr. McGee," Alexis desperately asked. "I don't want to be away from them for any longer. I want to know they're safe. Please. We won't be any trouble. We won't be in the way, I promise."

Lily agreed, "Please, Uncle Tim."

The elevator dinged and the doors whooshed open. No more time to decide. McGee sighed heavily and glared at both the girls. "Fine. You can come, but you have to PROMISE to stay in the car until I come and say it is okay to come out. Got it?"

The girls nodded and followed him onto the elevator.


When they arrived to the house, it was definitely abandoned. The foliage was overgrown and infested with all sorts of bugs and rodents. The roof was half caved in like a tree had fallen on it. Alexis shuddered at the thought of her mother being in that house.

McGee parked and jumped out. He took another look in the rear window. "Stay. Here."

Alexis and Lily nodded and watched as the team gathered shortly, then headed to the house. They burst in the door, weapons already drawn.

What seemed like forever passed by, but within a minute, they heard gunshots echo. Lexi looked at Lily, concern knitting her brow.

After about 10 minutes had passed with no sound or sight of action, Alexis opened the door to the car.

"Lexi wait, we're supposed to wait for Uncle Tim," Lily warned.

Lexi turned back, "I'm not waiting any longer to see my parents. Nothings happened so far, they're probably just take pictures for evidence or something."

Lexi ran to the house. Lily, deciding the logic was sound, followed. Once they entered the house, it didnt take long to find the large room that had to at one point have been the living room. Lexi crashed into the back of an NCIS jacket. Lily crasher into her from behind.

McGee turned around and, upon seeing the girls, a mix of emotions seemed to swirl on his face. But anger seemed to be one of the prominent ones.

"What are you doing??? I told you to stay in the car."

"Did you find them?" Lexi tried to look around him. "Where are my parents?"

He stepped in the way of her attempts. "Lexi, wait. It's not good, you shouldn't be here."

"I don't mind a little blood." Lexi went under his outstretched arm. She didn't get more than two steps in before she stopped dead in her tracks. The scene before her made her want to simultaneously stare and run. There were four chairs in the room with people roped into it. Agents crowded around them. From what Lexi could see, the two on the left were her parents.. or... what was left of them.

Her jaw dropped, and she let out a strangled scream. She stumbled over to them. Her mother's face still looked pained, although she was clearly not there anymore judging by the blood stained down her neck. And her father... oh her poor father... he looked like he'd been tortured, and he probably was. Right before he was shot in the head.

Lexi had barely reached her parents before she collapsed to her knees between them. She couldn't take her eyes off of them, despite her vision being blurry from tears.

Lily and McGee both entered the room, and Lily gasped. Her parents were in the right two chairs. She didnt say a word as she looked at McGee, not daring to approach their bruised and beated bodies.

After a few seconds, she whispered, "are they...?"

McGee, pale as if he'd just seen a ghost, looked back at her, "they're just unconscious. Ambulance is on it's way..."

Lily hugged him, and he held her for a moment before urging her to go back to the car to wait. She said nothing, only followed his suggestion.

McGee approached Alexis. "Lexi... we should get you out of here." He put a hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her.

Lexi barely got control of her sniffling before saying, "how did this happen??? They- they were fine- yesterday-- morning."

McGee half-knelt beside her. "I'm so sorry Alexis. The agents need to gather evidence. We need to get you back to the car."

Lexi only cried more upon hearing this. Her whole body shook. After about a minute, she seemed to fall into some sort of numbness. "Lexi's parents?"

"On the way to the hospital..." McGee glanced at where they were being carted out on stretchers.

Lexi sniffed again. "Okay... I don't... what do I do?"

McGee sighed, "Stay with Lily for now. We'll figure everything out later."

Lexi nodded and slowly began to get up before she stopped again, stooping again to pick something up off the ground. When she stood next to McGee, she opened her hand to view her mother's star of David necklace.

She began to cry again. "Can- am I allowed to keep this?"

McGee stiffened. He knew as well as she did that it was evidence, but after glancing over it a few times, it looked like it had been broken off before any of the real action happened.

"Go ahead... it's yours."

Lexi closed her eyes, shaking with a sob. "Thank you..." she grasped the Necklace with both hands, and left the house.

Hi guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do try to not be too mad at me :P

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Happy Reading!

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