2: Invasion

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This book will contain graphic depictions of violence, as well as death. If that is not okay for you, please click off now. Your wellbeing comes above this book, now and forever. Please read with care <3

"I think we did a pretty good job." Techno said with a slight smile. He turned his head, examining his hair in the mirror. It was still damp, but the dye had taken nicely to his roots.

"Thank you, thank you." Sally took a bow.

Techno gave a laugh at that, and his smile broadened.

From somewhere in the room, the speaker that had been playing soft music stopped suddenly. Sally grabbed her phone, muttering something about the horrible internet in this area, but frowned. "Looks like I've got no service."

"Weird." Techno hummed, retrieving his own phone from his pocket. He frowned slightly. "Me neither."

"Strange." Sally closed her phone and returned it to her pocket. "Probably just the cell towers. It's happened once or twice before."

Techno opened his mouth to answer, but there was a loud bang somewhere downstairs. He locked eyes with Sally, and they shared a confused look. And then the screaming started.

The two teenagers bolted out of the room. Sally led the way, taking the stairs two at a time until she almost ran into a horrifying creature with black eyes and dark liquid dripping from its mouth. She let out a shout as she managed to catch herself on the railing.

"What the fuck!" She screamed as the creature reached out for her. One of its hands was missing a finger.

Before the creature could get ahold of her Techno was there, slamming his shoe into its chest and sending it toppling down the last couple of steps. It hit the ground with a loud crack, and gurgled uselessly as its arms spasmed, reaching out for anything to grip onto.

It was only when the creature stopped gurgling and screeching that the silence settled. "Mum? Dad!" Sally leapt over the creatures body and ran into the rest of the house, letting out a scream as she came across what had become of the living room.

Techno was right behind her, and his mouth fell open with horror when he saw the scene laid out before him.

Sally's parents were dead. Lying on the floor in puddles of blood, their eyes still open, limbs sprawled awkwardly. Hunched over them were another three creatures, and they were using their teeth to rip off chunks of flesh.

Techno felt bile rise in his throat. He swallowed it back and grabbed Sally's arm tightly. She put up no fight as he began to drag her away and towards the exit.

The front door had been busted wide open, and on the street there were more of the creatures. They staggered around awkwardly, limping and groaning as they hunted down anything that moved. Techno could hear screams coming from surrounding houses, but he knew that there was no way of helping them.

"We have to go." It wasn't a question.

Sally numbly staggered towards her car, tears falling silently down her face. Her hands shook badly. "I--I don't think I can--" Sally shook her head.

"I'll drive." Techno said, hurrying to get her into the passenger seat. He raced around to the other side of the car and made it into the drivers seat before any of the creatures could reach him. As soon as he was in, he locked the doors.

"Seatbelt." He told her as he started the car. As soon as he heard the click, he put his foot down and took off down the street.

For a few moments, the only sound was their own breathing.

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