4: Tranquil

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If you had asked Wilbur how he'd react to the world ending, he probably would have told you that he would have had a panic attack.

But as he sat in the front seat of Phil's car and they sped away from the rainforest, he felt an odd sense of calm. Even with Ranboo freaking out from the back seat because his phone wasn't getting any reception, Wilbur remained strangely tranquil.

"So zombies?" He said finally, turning to glance across at his father.

"I know it sounds ridiculous." Phil said, glancing in the rear view mirror. "But yes."

"Huh." Wilbur reached up and took his beanie off his head, turning it over in his hands. "I would'a thought it would be a war, maybe nukes."

"Wilbur you are astonishingly calm right now." Phil's eyebrows were drawn together with concern.

"Sorry, how d'you want me to react?" Wilbur flicked the radio dials calmly. All that was coming through was white noise. Pretty typical for the end of the world, he supposed.

"Are you sure we can't go back to Montville?" Ranboo asked from the back seat, his face pressed against one of the windows. He looked about as terrified as Wilbur should be feeling.

"There's a wave of zombies going through there." Phil said woodenly. "It's suicide. We need to get somewhere safe first, then we can look at doubling back."

"But my sister's back there." Ranboo had never sounded so worried.

"I know, mate." Phil said apologetically, glancing in the rear view mirror. "My sons are, too. But they're resourceful, and they're together. That gives them the best chance that they have."

"Right, so we get to high ground. Figure out how to deal with the zombies." Wilbur began to list off his fingers, the scenery rolling by blurring together as he thought aloud. "Then we head back and meet up with everyone else."

Phil glanced over at him, and it took him a moment before he was able to force a smile. "Yeah. Good plan, Wil."

Ranboo was breathing heavily in the back seat. His hands were gripping his jacket tightly, his eyes glued to the window and the town that they were passing through. Everything outside was just so normal. So usual. They had no idea what was coming.

"Ranboo, hey mate." Wilbur turned around in his chair and smiled kindly. "They're gonna be fine, okay? They'll stick together, fortify the school. They have enough people to fend off just about anything."

"How are you so sure?" Ranboo's eyebrows were drawn together, his mouth pressed together tightly.

"Because I know my brothers." Wilbur said with a nod and a sigh. "And I know our friends. Think about it, right? What would Sam do when he saw them coming?"

Ranboo was silent, so Wilbur filled him in. "He'd get everyone inside, lock the doors and everything would be okay. They're gonna be fine, dude."

Ranboo looked out the window. He couldn't bring himself to answer.

Wilbur sighed to himself and sat back in his chair. They would be fine. He knew it.


They drove on for a couple of days.

Sometimes, Phil would allow Wilbur to take the wheel for a little while. They only drove through towns when going around would take too long, and the endless scenery gave them plenty of time to think.

Wilbur was still hopeful that his friends and family would be alright. I mean, how couldn't he? They'd survived the impossible more than once. What's one more time?

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