3: Crash

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It had been nine days since the world ended.

Tommy was getting used to sleeping in the cramped confines of the back of the car. They'd stopped at a few different towns to collect what they needed, and only encountered a few more zombies along the way. Tommy didn't think he would ever get used to killing them.

At one of the places they stopped at, Tubbo collected a couple of notebooks and a stash of pens. Nobody questioned him at the time, but now they were really coming in handy. Tommy had made a big list of his friends in one of them, and had written out every reason that they might have survived.

He was trying to be positive. It was easier said than done.

They had yet to encounter any survivors. Tommy had seen far too many dead bodies laying in the middle of the street. So many people who never got to finish their life. He couldn't bare to think that someone he cared about might be lying lifeless on some desolate street.

Charlie and Schlatt did a good job of keeping them alive, Tommy decided. It wasn't their job, but here they were. One of the oldest constants in Tommy's life. He knew that logically they shouldn't have even taken him and Tubbo with them - it was more mouths to feed and less space to store supplies.

But it was Schlatt and Charlie, Wilbur's oldest friends. They were never going to be able to just leave Tommy alone. They knew him too well for that.

Tubbo spent most of his time watching out the window, or playing hangman and dots and boxes with Tommy and Charlie. It was a miserable existence, but at least he was alive. Sometimes he and Tommy talked about Montville like it was still there, and they would be going back to it later.

"Hey Tommy?" Tubbo asked tiredly, leaning on the barrier of sealed waterbottles that separated him from his best friend.

"Yeah?" Tommy raised his head and turned to look.

"You wanna play uno when we get home?" He sounded so exhausted. From the front of the car, Charlie and Schlatt said nothing.

Tommy pressed a sad smile to his face, and closed his eyes. "Sure, Tubbo." He leaned his head back against the headrest. Outside the car, the sun was starting to set. "We'll invite George and Fundy. Quackity, too."

Tubbo held Tommy's camera loosely between his hands. It was nice to pretend. "That sounds nice."

Charlie started making puns again, slowly but surely. Tommy made sure to laugh when he did, because there was so little to laugh at nowadays.

They had plenty of food and water now, and enough gas to last them a couple of days. They'd found some better weapons, too. Chances of survival were looking good, even when there didn't seem to be much of a point anymore.

It was on day ten when things took a sharp turn.

They were speeding through a suburban street, with Schlatt behind the wheel. They had learned that if they weren't planning on stopping, speeding was the best way through. It gave the zombies less time to reach them.

The car coasted easily along the road, bumping over a couple of corpses. Everyone cringed when that happened, but nobody wanted to slow down in case they weren't human. And then, out of nowhere, a man ran into the middle of the road, held up a shotgun, and pulled the trigger.

"Jesus fuck!" Schlatt shouted as he turned the wheel sharply in an attempt to avoid hitting the figure. There was a bang, and then the sound of breaking glass, and then the car was hitting the curb and the world was spinning.

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