13: Gates

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When Wilbur had first seen the figure standing outside the gates to Haven, he had been suspicious.

It was a man in a proper looking suit, hair combed back neatly and a briefcase in his hand. He lacked all the grime and the dirt of the apocalypse. He looked so out of place that Wilbur almost forgot to be suspicious, but he had caught himself when he saw the untrusting look the guards were giving the man.

"Ah!" The man exclaimed with a friendly smile, raising one hand in a wave. "Hello. How are you, this fine afternoon?"

Wilbur blinked at him, coming to a stop a few feet away. "What?"

"My name's Landon Buchanon. Lovely to meet you." He held his hand out to shake it.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, and he was glad that he had his handgun tucked away in his messenger bag. This guy had to be clinically insane. He also had to have access to a shower and an ironing board. He was a conflicting kind of person to look at.

Landon pulled his hand away after a moment, but played it off with a welcoming smile. "I'm from Morbus Lucrum. I'm sure you've heard of us?"

Wilbur glanced at the two people posted as guards. One of them, a man he had come to know as James, shrugged. "He's been here all day. I don't know, man."

"What do you want?" Wilbur turned back to Landon with untrusting eyes.

"I'm here to offer you a job." Landon produced a flyer from his briefcase and offered it to Wilbur, who took it skeptically. "Morbus is a little ways west from here. We're working to find a cure for this virus, and we could use someone like you."

"You don't know anything about me." Wilbur murmured as he scanned the pamphlet, his eyebrows raising. Pictured here wasn't a science lab or a building. This was an entire city. Sleek, shiny buildings. People on the streets, shopping and smiling, like the world hadn't ended at all. Some of them wore masks. He could see posters warning of zombies. If he didn't know better, he'd think it was a photoshop job. "Are these pictures recent?"

"Taken two days ago." Landon said with a perfect smile. "Disease prevention begins where the work is done."

"This isn't just disease prevention, this is a civilization." Wilbur accused lightly, looking up from the pictures of a perfect world. "You have a whole city. Why?"

"We have a vested interest in finding a cure and ensuring humanity's survival." The business man said with a professional glint to his eye. "That includes the culture, the people, the currency. I can offer you shelter and a guaranteed paycheck."

Wilbur didn't know what to make of this.

"Of course, take your time to consider." Landon continued with a smile, gesturing with his hands. "There's a map on the pamphlet to find your way to the border. If you want to consider it, give me your name and I'll ensure that you can get in easily."

Wilbur thought for a moment. He decided that giving his name wouldn't hurt. "Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."

He would talk it over with Phil and the others later. They had to investigate, anyway. Maybe Wilbur could accept the job, just to see what was going on.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Mr Soot." Said Landon with a wide smile. "I hope to be hearing from you soon."

Wilbur shot him one last look before he stepped up to the gate and showed his lower lip. James unlocked the gate and waved him through like it was the most casual thing in the world, because in a way it was. Haven was the normal that Wilbur had come to appreciate. The businessman was a whole other ordeal.

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