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Okay... Some of you may not like human Au.. BUT! Take a look at the picture above.. Not enough? WELL FUCK! what about this one

 Not enough? WELL FUCK! what about this one

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The void... How long has he been hiding in it? Maybe for about a century or more?? Well.. He doesn't know either.

The void was just dark with little light somewhere at they sky of the it. The floor was filled with goop that reached your thigh. What was the goop made out of? Negativity.

There lived a boy named nightmare. He lived in the void for centuries and on. Despite his sized and behavior, he is the ex-guardian and prince of negativity. He was a 4'2, black hair that reached his shoulders and mixed eyes of lavender and teal. Part of his hair would always get on his face and hid his right lavender eye. He also had pale skin, like a porcelain doll.

He would swim around the goop that he owned. Because of his touch-starve, he would sometimes just pet his tentacles for hours. He fed of negativity so he didn't really get hungry. But sometimes.. He would just cry silently. He wanted someone to watch him cry. He wanted someone to hug and comfort him. He'd just hug himself and cry until he got tired from all his crying. He would sleep in his goop. No one could breath in his goop, but him.

The reason of not having the desire to go outside because he had the thought of the villagers still living and out to get him. His scars never healed and was still permanent for centuries. Though the bruises were gone. He still was traumatized.

Any sudden noise can scare him. He'll just hide in the goop until he felt safe. He didn't talk much, even if he was alone or if he can just talk to himself. Because of that, the result was him having trouble speaking. Forgetting how to move his mouth to the words or the sound of the letters. He'd sound like a three year old talking. Nightmare also haven't read book for a long time too, so he forgot some spellings.

A sound.. A sound was made... It sounded like a portal summoning.. He gasped and hid in his goop. Peaking his head out a little. He saw a tall blonde person and two people with white hair, though he other one had fainted rainbow on the end of his hair.

"Dream, you've been searching for your brother for ten years now.. Maybe you should give up." The boy with a big brush called.

Nightmare POV

Dream? Has it been five-hundred years now? If that guy said ten years, does that means his been free for a long time? And that blond haired guy is dream... He's much taller.. Taller than me. He also has new clothes. The blue scarfed man came closer to me without any knowledge of knowing so. I tried to get away a little but he stepped on my foot. I screamed making bubbles out from the goop. He looked around when down at me. I covered my mouth.

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