Who are you!?

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It was 9 o'clock in the morning. Nightmare has awoken from his sleep and got up on his feet as he started walking to his bathroom. He looks on the mirror. He thought his eyes were just blurry from waking up. He splash water on his face then look again.

Nightmare screamed at the top if his non-existent lungs. Pretty soon everyone heard the scream everywhere in the castle. Killer and Cross barges in Nightmare's room. "What happened?!" Both of them syncing and glaring at each other. No one was in the room so they thought he was in the bathroom.

They went to the bathroom door. Others enter the room. Horror questioned the scream and no one knew. Cross knocks the door "Uhh. Boss? You okay?" Killer ask and got no respond. It was quiet. "I suggest barging in the door all 5 of us" Horror suggested. "No!!" They were confused on who yelled that because it was not the same demonic voice their boss had.

"That's not nightmare" Dust assumed. They nodded in agreement with dust. Pretty soon horror hit the door with his axe making a hole. He peek on the hole yelling "HORROR'S HERE!!!" Horror destroyed nightmare's bathroom door.

The 5 entered the bathroom. "WhErE iS hE?" From Error trying to find the person without knowing its actually nightmare. They check the bathtub and saw no one. Suddenly heard a small noise from the cabinet under the sink. Only someone so small can fit in their. "Under the sink!" Dust yelled. Error got his string and got the soul of who was under the sink then pulling it to see who the victim was.

The person had purple eyes, a crown similar to dream but with a moon crescent, a purple shirt with long sleeves folded, black pants, a purple boot, and finally a golden belt saying 'NM'

"Who are you?!" Everyone yelled at the tiny purple skeleton.

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