new Orleans

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In New Orleans with Bonnie and Marcel sitting in the car in front of the compound

Bonnie: what should we do (ask)

Marcel: they'll kill me if I walk in there maybe you should go first (says)

Bonnie: I don't know they may be still pissed about kol dying (says)

Marcel: but you didn't kill him (says)

Bonnie: Fair Point ( says getting out of car and headed in)

She walked around looking for the library Brooklyn said it was in she found the room and looked around she found the book and picked it up putting it in her bag

Who the hell are you (says)

Bonnie turned around and saw Hayley the newly turned hybrid

Bonnie: you're Hayley (says looking at her)

Hayley: how do you know my name (says)

Bonnie: Brooklyn she told me all about you (says hayley got angry and grabbed her neck)

Hayley: where is she (says)

Bonnie:( use her power holding Hayley back) not telling you she's in hiding

Hayley: why because she knows she's dead when we find her (says)

Bonnie: no because she needs to have her baby safely from Supernaturals (says smirking)

Hayley: what ( yells out and soon Klaus Rebekah and Elijah came in)

Rebekah: what the hell is going on ( ask looking at the two)

Bonnie: I was just leaving ( says walking away)

Hayley: this bitch knows where Brooklyn is ( says and the three looked at Bonnie)

Klaus: where is she little witch (ask)

Bonnie: nowhere to be found along with Marcel (says) since the world soon is going to find out Did You Know Brooklyn was pregnant ( says smirking and they stopped)

Elijah: what (gets closer)

Bonnie: yeah some people said klaus is the father ( says and Klaus looked up) but maybe its the guy she slept with when she dumped you(says)

Rebekah: why are you telling us this (ask)

Bonnie: I don't know maybe it's funny how Brooklyn killed your child and a month later is having her own (says) and even if you find her she is well protected, in Plus you should be happy Hayley she gave you a gift for price of course now if you don't mind I'm leaving oh and I Put a Spell up so you can't follow me back to Brooklyn bye ( says and leave fast before they could get her)

When Bonnie got in the car Marcel looked at her

Marcel: I see you didn't need help what happened in there (ask)

Bonnie: let's just say it will be a while before they could find Brooklyn and I mean a while let's go home (says)

Marcel:(nods) wait they should be already catched up to us where are they

Bonnie: I locked them in their home for a few hours enough time for us to leave before they can follow us let's go before they find a witch to unbreak the spell (says)

Marcel:( nods and started the car before driving away) say how do you feel about a date

Bonnie:(looks at him)what

Marcel: let me rephrase that would you like to go on a date with me Bonnie Bennett (ask)

Bonnie: I love that ( says smiling and they head back home)

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