new girl in town

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It's been a week since the baby almost died, Rosalie and Bonnie became best friends, Bonnie and Marcel have been going on dates, and James and Celeste had kept quiet and Stefan told Brooklyn the feelings he get with the baby and agreed he will be the father now back

With Stefen Brooklyn and Katherine at the store

Katherine: okay so Christmas is coming up and I want this to be very special since this will be my first time celebrating after 500 years (says) without anyone

Brooklyn: don't worry it's going to be the best (says) right Little Wolf ( says to her stomach and it kicked) she agrees

They laughed

Brooklyn: where's Stefen (says stopping)

Katherine: I don't know (says looking around)

With Stefen in the baby aisle, he was looking at the girls clothes when he bumped into someone

Stefan: I'm so sorry (says turning to the girl)

Girl: it's okay im aria ( smiling raising her hand up)

Stefan:I'm stefen( shakes her hand) it's nice to meet you

Aria: thanks you to (says)

Stefan: you're new here (ask)

Aria: you can tell (says)

Stefan: it's okay I've been here for almost 2 months now (says) why did you move here

Aria: to be on my own away from family what about you (says)

Stefan: same really I want my baby to be born with her mother was born (says)

Aria: you're having a baby congrats (says smiling)

Stefan: thank you (says) I better get going before my baby mama freaks out (says)

Aria: I understand it was nice meeting you Stefan (says)

Stefan: You to ( says and they both went their own way)

When Stefen got to the others

Brooklyn: there you are where were you ( ask walking up to him)

Stefan: sorry I was looking at the baby stuff (says)

Katherine: it's okay (says) so what's next we got everything we need as we were looking for you (says)

Stefan: sorry again (says laughing)

Brooklyn: like katherine said it's okay (says) but you're going to make it up by helping us fix the baby's room

Stefan: find what color do you think is good on her

Brooklyn: pink or blue definitely blue (says)

Stefan: fine blue it is (says)

Katherine: but get pink just in case (tells them)

Stefan/Brooklyn:yes/no ( they looked at each other)

Brooklyn: blue is better on her (says)

Stefan: but she's a girl not a boy (tells her)

Brooklyn: I don't care there are good shades of blue just right for a girl (says)

Katherine: why not pink and blue mixed together to make purple ( they looked at her)

Brooklyn: I like purple (says)

Stefan:same (says)

Katherine: good now let's go home my feet are killing me (says)

Brooklyn: you're a vampire your feet aren't supposed to hurt (says)

Katherine: they can (says) especially in heels all day

Brooklyn: you wear heels everyday katherine

Katherine: whatever (says and the two laughed at her before they went home)

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