Hope Rosalie cullen

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When Brooklyn got to her house, she cleaned her and the baby up before sitting in a chair watching her baby sleep

Then the others came in looking at her

Brooklyn: what do you want (says not looking at them)

Stefan: we need to talk Brooklyn (says walking up to her)

Brooklyn: there's nothing to talk about Stefan go back to that whore of a aria ( says looking at her daughter)

Stefan: okay that's it why do you hate her so much, what did she do to you (ask)

Brooklyn: you seriously don't know I've been telling you that for months she took you away from us

Stefan: what, what are you talkin about

Brooklyn: don't you get it ever since you met her you miss so much for your daughter, her birth, her baby shower and her naming you almost got us killed for that human, what if she ask in the future about her birth and she finds out you missed everything before she was born (says starting to cry) I don't want that for her she deserves better Stefan

Stefan: I know and I'm sorry Brooklyn I'm here now (says)

Brooklyn: yeah but for how long Stefan how long for our daughter finds out you're putting someone else before her she would need you at all times (says)

Stefan:Brooklyn-( got cut off)

Brooklyn: you wanted to be her father and now that she's here you're throwing it all the way for a human but I forgive you your in love (says)

Stefan: Brooklyn even if I messed up I will always be there for you two (says and Brooklyn nods)

Katherine: so now that we got that out the way what's your name (ask)

Brooklyn:hope,hope rosalie cullen ( says watching her little girl sleep)

Rosalie: your naming her after me (says little happy)

Brooklyn: of course I want hope to be named after the one who helped bring her into this world (smiles)

Marcel: so now that hope is born, what about the mikaelsons, They Know Brooklyn was pregnant and Stefan is the father, what happens if they learn the truth (ask)

Bonnie: I can put a cloaking spell on her so they won't find her (says)

Brooklyn: that would be great thanks (says)

Bonnie:no  Problem (says)

Rosalie: I never got to ask, why were you in the old house (says)

Brooklyn: The Witches were after me, I lost them through the woods they were trying to kill hope (says)

Katherine: then again don't they have anything better to do then trying to kill an innocent baby (says)

Brooklyn: I need to protect hope at all cost ( says getting up with hope and it go into the kitchen)

Stefan: what are you doing (says following her)

Brooklyn: surviving (says and cuts hope's hand open which hope started to cry)

Stefan: what are you doing (says trying to stop her)

Brooklyn kiss the blood on hope's hands, hopes hands started to heal, Brooklyn hold hope as the little one went back to sleep

Stefan:aria is right you are crazy (says looking at her)

Brooklyn: believe what that bitch wants you to hear Stefan everyone was right about you, you would have believed any girl over your family (says)

Stefan: Brooklyn (got cut off)

Brooklyn: leave Stefan I want to have a peaceful day with hope (says not looking at him)

Stefan: you changed Brooklyn (says)

Brooklyn: no Stefan you changed not me tell everyone I said goodbye (says)

She stayed and watched Stefan leave and soon the front door closed knowing everyone left for the rest of the day Brooklyn spend time with her newborn daughter making memories with her

Brooklyn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now