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Rosalie: they're coming (says looking out the window)

Katherine: where is Hope and Brooklyn (says running in)

Stefan: what, where are they (ask)

Marcel: if they're not here then Brooklyn must have taken hope somewhere in town away from the witches (says)

Bonnie: how is Rosalie going to leave with hope if we can't find them (says)

Marcel: she'll pop up soon right now we got witches to get rid of (says running outside)

Katherine: let's get this party started (says and they all ran out to fight)

With Brooklyn

Brooklyn: are you sure this can get us out of town without anyone knowing (ask)

Celeste:yes Brooklyn ( dad's coming in with a car)

Brooklyn: okay (says holding hope)

Celeste: are you sure you want to do this I don't think Stefan would be happy if you ran away with his daughter (says)

Brooklyn: I don't care what Stefan thinks this is to protect hope even if it means leaving (says)

Celeste: fine but this will get you out of town are you two cloak so they can't find you (ask)

Brooklyn: I know a witch in mind thanks (says)

Celeste: no problem goodbye (says)

Brooklyn:bye ( says and Celeste leaves) okay hope now let's get out of here

She said to hope who was looking around, Brooklyn put hope in her car seat and got in the car

Brooklyn: goodbye home and hello to a new beginning (says and droves off)

With the others after they kill all the witches, they went inside to look for Brooklyn and hope when they got to her room and they saw a note on the bed, Marcel picked it up and read it out loud

Marcel:dear Stefan

I'm calling to say goodbye, hope and I are leaving town I'm not even sure if we're going to come back, a lot of things have happened those past months that only put hope in danger, I don't want my little girl to live her life in fear I want her to have a normal life away from everything, maybe one day we'll see you again but hey at least you don't have to worry about us you can finally be with aria she makes you more happy than us so goodbye love Brooklyn and Hope

Bonnie:she left (says)

Stefan: bonnie find them right now, she had no right to leave like that and with hope to (says)

Bonnie: I could try if they're not cloaked (says and leaves)

Rosalie: to be honest Brooklyn had every right over since aria showed up you're always with her instead of Brooklyn

Katherine: Stefan can do whatever he wants him and Brooklyn are not even dating

Rosalie: Brooklyn is only doing this for her daughter not for herself katherine(says)

Marcel:Rosalie is right, those past month she wanted hope to have a life she never got to have (says)

Stefan: you're right but she could have just told us what she was doing instead of running away

Bonnie(comes in) I can't find them, Brooklyn must have found someone to cloak them (says)

Stefan: then let's do it old-fashioned way, maybe they went to New York (says)

Rosalie: we could try there but we better hurry (says and they nodded)

Stefan: katherine get a car, Marcel get our things and Bonnie tried to find Brooklyn again (says and they nodded)

Rosalie: let's go find them ( says and soon they were on their way to New York)

Brooklyn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now