fight with each other

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Aria: what did I do please tell me Brooklyn (says looking at her)

Brooklyn: you know exactly what you did, you tried to poison me with wolfsbane and Vervain it's a good thing I smelled it before I took a drink (says) what do you have to say for yourself

Aria:i'll- ( try to form of words but couldn't)


Aria: I wanted you and the baby gone (confessed)

Brooklyn: but why tho (ask)

Aria: because you and that monster is the only thing holding Stefan down from having a future with me (ask)

Brooklyn: do you realize I'm over nine hundred years old you think a human like you can take me down you're not special, you would have killed my baby girl but not me (says)

Aria: and what would happen if you really did drink it and the baby died (ask)

Brooklyn: you would be dead I'll kill you (aria looks at her) listen aria if you're going to be in the Supernatural world you should know that if you do something to piss someone off especially when your human they would kill you on the spot, but it really doesn't matter since you're not going to live to find out

Aria:what (backs up)

Brooklyn: oh I'm not going to touch you but the water will (says smirking before dropping the cage in the water)

Aria: noo-( got cut off when she hit the water)


Brooklyn turn around to see an angry Stefan and a unsure Marcel,katherine, Rosalie and bonnie

Brooklyn: Stefan came to join the party (says smiling)

After she said that she was slammed into the wall with Stefan holding her neck and one hand around her heart

Brooklyn: you really going to kill me over her ( says gasping for air)

Stefan: all this time we were fighting enemies when you are the Real Enemy (says angrily)

Brooklyn: if you kill me the baby die Stefan she's almost here do you really want to end her life after waiting so long to meet her only to end her life before it even started Stefan (looks at him) besides aria is drowning

After she said that Stefan let go of her and dive in, Brooklyn looked at the others but they didn't look at her soon Stefan came out with an unconscious aria

Stefan:come on aria, COME ON, I need you ( says doing CPR on her soon as she woke up and spat out water, Stefan hold her) oh thank god

Aria:Stefan (says looking at him)

Stefan:I'm here ( says smiling before kissing her)

Aria: I almost died (tells them)

Stefan: you have gone too far Brooklyn (says turning to her)

Brooklyn: I wouldn't be trying to kill her if she didn't try to poison me (says)

Stefan: what are you talkin about, aria would never do that (says)

Brooklyn: of course your to far up her ass to see she tried to kill me and the baby

Stefan: of course you only care about yourself (says)

Brooklyn: I care about our family safety Stefan it's you (yells out) you came to me to be hidden from your old life Stefen, and you been putting aria life ahead of ours (says)

Stefan: you're putting this on me when you're the one who's been jealous of aria (says)

Brooklyn: you know what I was and am jealous of aria everything has gone wrong ever since you showed up, the rest agrees with me right (looks at them)

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