2| Just Admit It, Onii-chan

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A few days had passed since Y/N's small outing with the blueish-haired girl. Ever since that small time they spent that day, each encounter they had at school would be a little bit awkward.

In fact, a blush would always come towards Saki's face. Y/N would be confused by this, but he would shrug it off, continuing on like nothing happened. But with Saki, it was a bit different. She still thought back to when Y/N had held her hand when he started to drag her and lead her out of the library that day. His hand had felt warm, and his hand was kind of rough. But what she found surprising, despite how rough his hand was, he still had a gentle touch. Almost soothing, even.

As time had went on, Y/N noticed their financial state. Sure, they were quite wealthy, thanks to his parents occupations, but it was enough to pay for their bills and enough to pay for Y/N's college tuition when he graduates. But Y/N wasn't concerned for his own tuition, rather his sister's. He wasn't going to lie, his sister was smart, but she could sometimes be dimwitted. Or just plain stupid sometimes. But, his sister would always come and ask him for help on her assignments and school work she would have trouble on. It didn't look like it, but Y/N was quite caring towards his younger sister. With his parents rarely home, he was pretty much the man of the house and took care of everything.

Since Y/N wasn't concerned over his tuition, he wanted to make money to at least pay for the school, or schools, that Akari aimed to enter for university. While Akari is plausible enough to get a scholarship for sports, particularly basketball, Akari aimed for high-ranking law schools. For someone who is quite active, Y/N found it odd that his sister would want to go law school, but he wasn't one to decide what her sister wanted for her career.

So, starting today, he was going to start looking for a job to hopefully take the workload off his mother for bills, but also to help pay for his sister's schooling.

The school bell then rang, signaling it was the end of the day. Grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Y/N was one of the first few out the door. As soon as he made it off school grounds, he went to his phone, looking for any part-time job openings that he could apply for.

There were a couple, but they were quite far from his own home and a little bit farther from the school. The only closest nearby was a local coffee shop, Starbecks.

Seeing as it was the only one, he decided to head there for the job opening. It took him about half an hour, taking the train for about twenty minutes and the rest walking, he arrived in front of the shop. Although, he stopped, slightly wide-eyed as he sees the person in front of him.

In front of him was none other than Saki Kawasaki herself. The two had paused, the blueish-haired girl's hand was on the door's handle. She then instantly reels her hand back, narrowing her eyes at the Shiozaki boy.

"Are you following me?", she questioned.

Y/N blinked twice, him sighing, "Why the hell is that your answer?"


Y/N shrugs his eyes and grabs the door, him opening it as he stands off to the side. Saki looks at him confused.


"You're going in aren't you? Ladies first."

Saki sighs, "Thanks, I guess."

She steps inside, Y/N following after. They had asked one of the employees as to where the manager's office was. Being taken there, they waited outside. They were both asked to enter at the same time, the manager interviewing them and instantly being hired, which surprised them both.

Now, the two were already working in the restaurant, Saki handling the cash register and Y/N going around from table to table, taking orders and wiping them down. They went on as normal, serving customers and taking orders, Y/N earning himself a few tips here and there. As soon as their first shift day ended, Y/N offered to take Saki home. But the girl had quickly declined and sped off, leaving Y/N confused. But he decided to shrug it off, heading over to his sister's school as they had a girl's basketball game going on.

The Blue-Haired Goddess | Saki Kawasaki × M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now