7| Cultural Festival

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A few days after the initial planning day of the Cultural Festival, the day had finally arrived. The student body had assembled into the auditorium. 

Yukino Yukinoshita, the vice chairmen of the whole committee, was handling everything behind the scenes. Helping her were other various students, as well as Hachiman Hikigaya. Everything seemed to be working. The lights, PA system, but the green room and cast preparations were behind, but they would be able to be completed by the time the show started. 

The lights that point to the stage then turn on, revealing the student council, Meguri Shiromeguri. She stood there, cheerful as ever as a banner hung behind her.

It read, "Chiba's specialties! Festivals and dancing! We're all fools, so let's dance and Sing a song."

"Are you ready to culture!?," Meguri cries out into the mic, a cheery attitude evident in her voice.

The crowd then cheers in joy, things were getting excited. It wasn't a surprise, the festival was about to begin.

"Chiba's specialties! Festivals and..."

"Dancing!," Everyone cheers.

"We're all fools, so let's dance and...," Meguri says, pointing to the crowd.

The crowd then gets louder. "Sing a song!"

Meguri then moves off the stage, making way for the cheerleaders and dancers to do their performance. Like he was asked with documenting Hina's play, Y/N was also asked to go around and video tape certain events in the festival. Plus, Meguri had requested he do this so she could go back and look at the footage and reminiscent over the times when she got older.

After the performance, Minami Sagami then walked up onto the stage. She was shaking slightly, clearly very nervous as she stood in front of the student body of the school. If anything, Y/N could tell this was about to be a shit show. Meguri then gives a brief announcement, handing the mic to Minami and heading off to the side of the stage. The brown-haired girl then took a deep breath and brought the mic to her mouth.


Minami was then cut off, a loud sound erupting from the mic. It caused everyone to cover their ears, but they would soon laugh at the girl as Minami began to get embarrassed. Meguri then walked back onto the stage.

"Okay, let's have a do-over! Committee chairwoman, go ahead," Meguri chastises the crowd.

The brown-haired girl nodded and went into her skirt pocket to pull out a piece of paper. But it would fall out of her hands and onto the floor, Minami hurriedly trying to pick it up. Everyone laughs at her once more as Minami's cheeks began to red, being filled with embarrassment even more. Sure, it was funny, but things were beginning to fall behind schedule. In fact, some of the classes had already begun their events.

In the meantime, Y/N handed the camera to another student that was next to him, instructing him to keep the camera still as it video tapes the stage. Now free of that duty, Y/N goes to his class, 2-F, to do his other one. Entering his classroom, he heads to the back of the room, setting up his father's camera and making sure the equipment had no problems. The room began to fill in, the audience mostly being females. What's a surprise to Y/N is that Yuzuru attended the play with another girl. He concluded that they may be siblings, but shook it off, resuming his attention to the play, which had soon begun.

"I did not know how to understand anything! I ought have listened to him. He cast his fragrance and radiance over me," Saika says.

Hayato then brought Saika closer to him, "You were too young to know how to love him."

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