Final Chapter

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I was planning on doing a chapter that took place during season three, but I didn't really have any ideas on how to go about it. So instead, this will be the final chapter.

Of course, there will be an epilogue chapter to follow up with it. Both of these chapters will be rather quite short, so, apologies in advance. But, I had planned for this book to be shorter than my usual ones. And I also want to again apologize in advance if the chapters weren't how you envisioned them, or they weren't how you imagined them. This is what I thought and what I think how they went.

Anyway, I hope you guys have enjoyed the story up until now. I have enjoyed writing this one, but not as much as my Yukino story. But in any case, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


A year had since passed, and the students of Sobu that were once second years are now third years. It would be their last year in fact before they would be heading off towards college and university.

And not only that, today was graduation. 

Most can say, it was an exciting day for them. Most of these people were ready to go and set off in order to live for the freshman year of college. Y/N was one of them, having already selected a college that he wished to attend to. It was the same one his father had attended to as well, before his father had set off for the military.

There was only one problem. He'd have to go back to the United States and study abroad, meaning he'd have to leave his mother, Akari, as well as Saki here in Chiba. His family could understand, yes, but he wasn't sure about the girl he considered his goddess. He would have to tell her later today after the ceremony, as they had made plans to meet up at a nearby cafe.


Once the graduation ceremony had finished, Y/N walked out of the front entrance of the school with his high school diploma in hand. A lot of time had passed since he had first come here. So many things had happened since then.

He met a wonderful girl with blueish hair, who albeit had nothing to do with him, ended up warming up to him. They shared happiness, laughs, difficult moments, and moments of sadness. Yet, they got through it together.

Y/N sighed as he looked up from looking at his diploma, smiling at the sight of his mother and sister waiting for him at the school's gate.

"So, my first little rascal is finally graduating and getting his ass out of my house, huh?" Riko says with a grin.

Y/N rolls his eyes. "That's one way to put it, sure. It's not over yet, though. You still have another pain in the ass to deal with."

"Hey! I am not a 'pain in the ass'!" Akari yells out, looking up at her brother with an annoyed glare.

The blonde only ruffles his younger sister's hair, the younger Shiozaki swatting his hand away. Riko lets out a light giggle at the two's interaction. A stern expression soon makes it to her face.

"Are you sure that this is the future career path you want to do?"

"Yeah... My heart's set on it. I want to make my career a passion as well, and I love taking pictures and sketching them. And hopefully, I'll be able to get some of them on the cover of magazines or make book covers. That, and it reminds me of dad often."

"...He'd be very proud of you, you know that?"

"Yeah... I know he would," Y/N says, a sad smile coming to his face.

"Anyway, let's go out and celebrate! ...This is a time to go out and celebrate, right? I mean, I'm kinda hungry now," Akari says, getting in between the two.

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