19| Comfort

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It was Christmas. The time of gift giving and enjoying time with family. Most people could say it's the most wonderful time of the year.

Saki Kawasaki was currently in her home with her family, along with the three siblings of the Nakamura family. Her older cousins, Setsuna and Itsuki, were currently having fun with her younger siblings, as well as talking with her parents.

The blueish-haired girl herself was sitting on her couch, her eyes constantly looking to her front door. It was quite obvious to everyone that she was waiting for someone. She heard footsteps coming her way as she looked up, Yuzuru walking up to her, who then sat down on the couch next to her.

"Still hasn't arrived yet?" Yuzuru asked.

Saki sighed with annoyance. "Yeah... He said he'd be here. Well, at least he'd ask his mom of what their plans for this Christmas was."

"Have you tried getting in contact with him? I don't know, calling him, or, shooting him a text?"

"I did... But he still hasn't picked up yet."

"Then he's probably busy with something. I'm sure he'll turn up later," Yuzuru suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Yuzuru says with a smile. "Come on, I heard they're ready to start cutting into the cake. Wouldn't want to have your slice devoured by Setsuna-nee or Kei-chan, right?"

Saki let out a light giggle, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Yuzu."

But in the end, the Shiozaki family never came. In fact, Y/N hadn't come to the next day at school at all. Saki found it odd, considering Y/N wasn't really one to miss out on school. He didn't even head to their part-time job they worked at, which was concerning to her. However, she thought that Y/N was just really busy lately and he didn't have the time to spare, so she thought little of it.

That was her initial thought, until it came to the second day of school where Y/N hadn't shown up yet again. And then the third day, he didn't show up again. This time, Saki thought something was wrong.

Later today, she decided to visit his house to see what was wrong.


Thirty minutes had passed since the end of school, the bell having been run to signal the students to head home for the day. Of course, those with club activities still stayed at the school.

Once classes were over, Saki had already given Yuzuru the go ahead to head on home without her. He would raise an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong, Saki only replying that she had some "business" to take care of. Yuzuru thought little of it and shrugged before walking out through the school's front gate and heading in the direction of his apartment that him and his siblings share.

With that taken care of, Saki walked down the sidewalk towards the Shiozaki household. Upon arrival, everything seemed to be normal. She walked up to the steps of the house and knocked twice before ringing the doorbell. It took a bit of time before someone came to the door, the door opening up to reveal Riko Shiozaki, the mother of the two children. 

However, Saki was surprised and a bit concerned. Riko's eyes were red, probably from crying. That, and the inside of their house was very dark, the curtains to the house closed.

"Oh... Saki... What are you doing here?"

"Um... Y/N hasn't been at school for a while now. He also didn't show up at work yesterday, too. So the boss and I were worried. Is he okay?"

"Oh... Right, right... Would you like to come inside? We can talk there," Riko offered.

Saki nodded. "O-Of course. Thank you."

The Blue-Haired Goddess | Saki Kawasaki × M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now