Chapter 17

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Julian's POV

I open my eyes to find Allie still asleep beside me. Though it's been like this for the past few days, I'm certainly not tired of it. I don't know that I'll ever grow tired of her next to me. She's curled up on her side, her face hidden by her hair. I want to brush it away to see her face, but she's such a light sleeper, I don't want to wake her. Instead I climb slowly out of bed, pull a pair of pyjama pants over my boxer briefs and head downstairs.

"Good morning bambino!" Mum says with a warm smile.

I bite my tongue. I hate being called bambino. I'm nearly 18! Allie's started calling me bambino when we're alone now, and it's irritatingly cute.

"Morning Mumma," I say, going over and kissing her cheek. "Some breakfast?" I ask, going and getting eggs and a frypan out.

"Oh, I've taught you so well!" she gushes, clasping her hands under her chin. "You're going to make such a good little domesticated husband."

I roll my eyes when I turn around so she doesn't see. The past few days, Allie has stolen my family's hearts, like I knew she would. This in turn means that my parents are now excited about weddings and grandbabies. Again, I'm only 17 - just over a month off 18. I don't think Allie's had to face the full force of my overenthusiastic parents just yet, but I'm sure it'll happen. I bite my tongue and get to making breakfast and coffee.

Allie's POV

I wake up, and I'm alone. That's a first since arriving in Adelaide. Julian's been here every morning for me to snuggle into. It's actually quite depressing. I hear nothing, so I get up and go to the bathroom, making myself presentable. Just as I'm about to leave the room, the doorway is blocked by Julian carrying a tray with breakfast, coffee and a rose on it.

"What's this?" I ask in surprise, smiling at the view.

"Breakfast in bed," Julian states, leaning over the tray and kissing me. "So get yourself back in bed."

I don't complain. It's the middle of winter, and it's pretty chilly out. So I jump back into bed and snuggle under the doona. Julian puts the tray on my lap, and then I motion for him to jump into bed beside me.

The omelette he's made is delicious, and I ensure I feed him some too. It's really cute, sharing a breakfast in bed with him. We also both like our coffee white with two sugars, so we share the hot beverage as well. When breakfast is finished I make him stay for a few minutes, resting my head on his shoulder in silence. Then he's out of bed, taking the plate downstairs to clean. He's so domesticated.

Julian's POV

I walk downstairs to clean up, because I'm not the tidiest of chefs.

"What are the plans today?" Mum asks, coming over and drying as I wash dishes.

"I'm going to get Nicole soon, so she can come here and meet Allie," I say with a huge grin. I'm really excited about the two most important girls in my life meeting each other. In my head, they have no choice but to get along instantly and become good friends. But honestly, I don't know what I'll do if they don't get along. I can't live without either girl in my life, so they'll just have to get along. End of story.

Mum must see my worried look because she says, "Don't worry. They'll get along great. And they both love you, so they'll make it work just for you." Mum pinches my cheek. "Oh look at my little bambino blushing!"

"Mum!" I groan, but I can't stop smiling. "You should go out or something," I suggest, hoping she'll get the hint that I'm in need of some space. I know I've come home to spend time with family, but I'm almost on the verge of insanity after just a few days.

"Alright, alright!" Mum raises her hands. "I can tell when I'm not wanted. Maria wants to go shopping anyway, so we'll go out. And your father's gone to play golf. So behave yourself!"

Allie's POV

After quickly chucking on a pair of jeans and long sleeved blouse, I head downstairs.

"You got dressed," Julian says, sounding surprised.

I give him a confused look. "Generally what someone does at the beginning of the day."

Julian comes over and pulls me in as close to him as possible. "It was a waste of time," he whispers, his teeth grazing my neck and making me shiver. "We're alone."

Those two words make me weak in the knees, but in an instant I recover and I'm racing up the stairs after Julian, ready to christen his room.

I curl tightly into Julian's side. It's impossible think about how cold it is outside when Julian makes me warm all over. His face is pressed gently against my cheek, and his breath tickles as it slowly becomes more steady after our physical exertion.

His phone vibrates against the bedside table, and he groans as he reaches for it. "Oh crap," he mutters. "I forgot I'm picking Nicole up in half an hour." He laughs. "Guess I was preoccupied." He kisses me. "I have to go."

I reluctantly let him go, and watch as he goes into his ensuite for a quick shower. He's gorgeous. Maybe not ripped in the most over the top way, but absolutely perfect.

Julian's POV

My shower is quick but helpful, since beforehand I smelt like sex. When I go back into my room, Allie's still lying in bed with an out of it smile plastered on her face as she holds something up over her head.

"What's that?" I ask, going and grabbing a shirt out of my drawers.

Allie giggles. "What's left of my shirt."

I give her a guilty look, remembering we had started off a little rough due to desperation. "Oops. Sorry. Guess I just got a little excited." I go over and kiss her forehead. "I'll buy you a new one."

She sits up and kisses me. "It's fine. Just go get Nicole. I wanna meet her!" She practically pushes me out the door, standing up, wrapped in my bed sheet.

One last kiss and I'm on my way.

Nicole races out of the house and embraces me in the tightest hug. "Julz!" she screeches, and I almost go deaf. "Where's this gorgeous girlfriend I hear so much about?" She looks to my car. At least she's excited to meet her.

"At home. Let's go," I say, leading her to my car. "Now, try and play nice," I say once we're pulling out the driveway. I really want you to like her."

Nicole laughs. "Don't worry, Julz. I'll be on my best behaviour."

Allie's POV

Despite the cold, my hands are clammy because I'm so nervous. I've just heard Julian's car pull up, meaning one of the last super important people in Julian's life I need to impress is about to walk through that door.

Nicole walks in, cute as a button, and breaks into a smile when she sees me. "Hi Allie!" she says, then hugs me when she reaches me.

And that's that. We hit it off instantly, and kind of make Julian the third wheel for the day. Nicole tells me hilarious stories about Julian when he was younger over the many years they've known each other. Julian provides us with food and blushes furiously when really embarrassing stories start up.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Nicole asks as we chow down on popcorn while watching Step Brothers.

I look at Julian, knowing nothing about a party.

"I didn't want to go and drag you along," Julian says with a shrug.

"You're not going?!" Nicole gives him a wild look.

Julian shakes his head. "I wasn't planning on it."

"You're coming," Nicole says harshly, then looks at me and softens her face. "You're both coming. Scott throws wicked parties."

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