Chapter 7

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Julian's POV

'How did lying to your mum go yesterday?' I text Allie as I lie in bed, just finished thinking about yesterday again.

It doesn't take long til I get a response. 'She doesn't suspect a thing ;) What did the boys have to say?'

I laugh just thinking about it. 'Ah, well, they suspected some things... I now have a nice dry cleaning bill to pay :/ but they're gonna love you. I was just worried you'd be frightened off by them. They're a tad full on aha!'

'Aw no! I'll split the bill with you hehe *awkward turtles* And no, they couldn't scare me off :) I didn't wait 2 months to just give up because of your crazy housemates. I gotta go to school :( talk to you later :)'

Why did I have to pick someone in school to fall for? If I could, I'd spend every free moment with her, getting to know her. I facepalm myself. Getting to know her may have been a better option than physical activities on the couch yesterday. I feel like a complete moron. Technically yesterday could be considered our second date, but really? I had to do that? Not that she complained or anything, and I'm not complaining either.

Allie's POV

"Tell us everything!" Pippa basically screams in my face as she runs up to me.

"Well, the whole universe was in a hot dense state," I start, thinking of how to explain everything ever to the girls.

"Mole! Tell us everything about yesterday. With Julian!" Chloe says with a playful glare.

Hmmm, what to tell them and what to leave out? "We had a lot of fun at the markets. I think I got him to appreciate the value of used crap and fresh vegetables," I offer them.

They squeal, as though this is the most romantic thing they've ever heard. I really hope it isn't.

"We ate food, ran around like idiots. It was fun." I shrug.

"And then?" Pippa presses, looking at me expectantly.

"And then we went back to his place and ate more food and watched Skyfall." Don't blush, I tell myself. Don't look awkward. Don't do anything unnatural. I start to walk to my form room.

Chloe gasps. "Something happened! Tell us!"

"Gosh darn it," I curse. How do my friends do it? "We didn't have sex," I say adamantly, and I give them the look that says 'figure the rest out'.

"Ooh you whore!" Chloe teases, throwing her arm around my shoulders.

"That's me," I say sarcastically, but I swallow hard. I'm not usually like that. I mean, I've been with one other guy before, my boyfriend of 10 months until we broke up seven months ago. But it just kind of happened with Julian - though I can't complain. Still, I can't really figure out why I did it or what happens now.

Julian's POV

'So do you think you'll be free this weekend?' I text Allie on Thursday, feeling a lot more confident now. We've been texting back and forth a bit, but I don't want to talk about anything full on through text - I'd rather talk to her in person.

'I'm free every weekend. My life is seriously boring'

'Not anymore ;) Saturday or Sunday suit you? I'm free either day'

'Saturday is good. Sunday I'm going to do some serious market shopping without any distractions ;)'

'Aw I'm a distraction :( What do you want to do?' And now I'm out of confidence and ideas.

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