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I sat on the metal floor of the ship, cold and completely alone. My arms were wrapped around my bent knees and the hoodie provided no warmth for the cool atmosphere. To be honest, I was scared out of my wits.

The drones had dropped me in here where I swear I've been here for at least a day or two. Were the Autobots going to save me? Who is my captor? Will I die in here?

I couldn't figure out any of those questions, so I decided the best thing to do right now is sleep. Yeah, I know. That's the stupidest thing to do, but I couldn't do anything, right? Hopefully I'll die in my sleep so this nightmare can be over if I'm not rescued in time.


Bumblebee couldn't recharge. He was so worried about his new human friend in the hands of Decepticons. It angered him. What did they want with her? Surely those scumbags didn't have use for one single human being. Right?

The sports car shuddered in his vehicle mode. Lennox had better have a plan to retrieve Maxine or at least try to track the ship. Who knows who was in command. It had better not be Megatron himself.

By the early hours of the morning, most of the officers in the base had woken up and worked at their normal stations. The Autobots were gathered in their personal hangar and scheming up a plan with Lennox and Epps, the only people who thought Maxine could be saved.

They were currently discussing what the ship looked like, who it belonged to, and where it could be going. "That is a Decepticon ship for certain," Optimus Prime stated. "I am not sure where it will go, but I am confident we can find it."

"It shouldn't be too hard to spot." Sideswipe added.

Lennox nodded his head, making mental notes and looking at the grid map on a large screen. "We'll send out drones and look for any unidentified ships." He told the group. "That should be able to locate them if they're in our air space."

"But if that don't work, we're not sure what else we can do within our authority." Epps warned the Cybertronians.

"That's a chance we have to take." Ironhide said, slightly grumbling about how pointless the plan was.

"We thank you for your help." Optimus thanked the two men.

"No problem." Lennox smirked.

~Back at the Decepticon ship~

I was rudely awakened by ominous pedsteps in the corridor from my holding space. My teeth chattered with cold and fear. There was a good chance of me being tortured, killed, or just played with by Decepticons. I just wanted to go home!

"Get up." A voice snapped, venom dripping off of their tone.

I hesitantly uncurled from my ball-like position and stood on shaky legs. "Nice to see you awake, fleshling." The same voice sneered.

There he was, in all his egotistic glory, Starscream. The military jet looked even scarier in person. He laughed darkly.

"The little blue-haired pixie is finally in our grasp!" Who the heck are you callin' a pixie?

Warmth rushed to my face as I got irritated. Starscream knew what a pixie was? Dang, he's smarter than I thought he was.

"No time for formalities, little miss fairy, the master wants to see you!" The Decepticon laughed crudely.

This was the day, I tell you. I cracked my neck and proceeded towards King Ego. This was really scary. Why would he want me out of over seven billion people in the world? This was not good at all.

The ship door opened to a barren-looking wasteland with what looked like a crashed ship. Hold up. 'The Master' was exactly who I thought it was, right?

"Move it, fleshie!" Starscream barked, stomping his foot directly behind me.

I ran for it, afraid he'd squish me if I lingered. The crashed ship was within a few feet. I ran blindly inside only to slam into one of the hatchlings.

The bright blue bag shook, but didn't break under my feeble run-in. "Holy..." I breathed. "Hatchlings, crashed ship, Decepticons; I'm in for a real treat."

"That you are, my dear."

Chills ran down my spine at that voice. Without a doubt, I knew the words belonged to The Fallen.

"Come closer, fleshling." Fallen urged darkly. I stepped cautiously up to the fallen Prime, plugged into all sorts of wires. It had to be some kind of life line charging him up for when everyone's least favorite part took place.

"What do you want with me?" I asked The Fallen angrily.

The gigantic Cybertronian chuckled darkly, sending shivers down my spine. "Nothing more than distraction purposes." He replied.

"Like bait?" I questioned him.

Fallen shifted in his 'seat'. "Precisely."

I was in for it now. The Fallen might kill somebody if I don't escape! The whole movie was in jeopardy if I don't do something.

But before I could protest, Starscream closed in on me. "Come on, fleshie. We have a destination to fly to!" He cackled.

I stepped back. Did he mean Shanghai? Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.

A/N: hehe cliffhanger! I'm giving you guys a short chapter to make up for my absence and I promise to try to make the next one longer and better than this junky chap. I watched the movie again and I'm better acquainted now! That was like months ago, so I have to watch the Shanghai scene again. Such fun ye
Hope you enjoyed!

<3 Doctor Universe

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