Calm Before the Storm

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I felt like I was run over by a truck and had a splitting head ache. The bright lights in the hospital momentarily blinded me. A couple nurses rushed about the room, writing things down in their clipboards and checking my vitals.

"Hey..what's.." My voice wouldn't work when I tried to ask what the heck was going on.

"Don't worry, Miss Maxine, you're in the hospital." A lady's voice told me sweetly. "Don't try to strain yourself. We wanna get you out of here as soon as possible!"

Oh yeah, that's right. I was kidnapped by evil robots and rescued by Optimus. Sorta.

"When can I leave?" I asked, suddenly feeling anxious about my new friends. Were they okay?

"As early as tomorrow afternoon!" The lady chirped excitedly.

She was pretty, with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Her smile was contagious and the wrinkles that appeared when she grinned made her even more attractive. I smiled back as she typed in something to a laptop on the wall.

The rest of my day consisted of watching awful TV programs and answering dumb questions. I wasn't hurt too badly. There were quite a few minor scratches, bruises, and sore limbs but otherwise I was completely fine. Hopefully I wouldn't be kidnapped again for some dumb pawn. I wasn't anyone's petty possession.

The next morning, I downed the tasteless breakfast that was brought to me without difficulty- well, almost none. It was disgusting and slimy. I frowned.

The night before had been awful. My dreams were strange and terrifying. I dreamt that I wasn't rescued. The anonymous Decepticon shot Optimus and he evaporated into thin air. I was screaming through the entire nightmare. After I woke up, there was no going back to sleep.

I knew the Autobot leader was fine, but that wasn't the problem. What if he hadn't been there? What if he'd gotten killed? How would I live with myself knowing I changed everything?


The sound of the nurse from the night before pulled me out of my darkening thoughts. She smiled at me.

"Your ride is here to pick you up! Mr. Lennox, right?" I merely nodded, too tired to understand anything.

The nurse gave me a white shirt, and gray hoodie, and gray sweatpants since my clothes were most destroyed and dirty from the fight. I changed and was escorted in a wheelchair after saying several times that I could walk by myself. The nurse insisted, so I reluctantly let myself be wheeled to the parking lot.

A familiar black GMC Topkick caught my attention, causing some of my anxious feelings to ebb away. Lennox stepped out of the truck and opened the door for me. I got up out of the wheelchair and climbed in, the soldier shutting the door.

I'd never been so happy to see Ironhide. "Thanks for picking me up." I told Lennox as he sat at the wheel.

"How're you feeling?" He asked me.

"A little scratched, but nothing major." I replied tiredly. "I'm so glad to get out of there. Hospital smells are so gross, I could barf."

" 'Better not." Ironhide growled, finally acknowledging my presence.

"I'm doing fine, how are you?" I said sarcastically, with a playful smirk.

The mech groaned, and probably would've rolled his optics if he could. I gently patted the seat in apology and crossed my arms in relaxation as Ironhide drove down the busy street around us. There was a long silence before I decided to break it.

"I really am glad to see you guys, seriously." I said softly. "Is everyone okay?"

"By casualties and injuries, we're fine." Lennox replied. "I'm not sure about the Chinese people involved, but the count probably isn't that high."

"That's good..." I leaned back into the seat, still tired out of my mind.

Ironhide and the soldier carried on conversation, but I wasn't listening. I was too happy that everyone was safe and well taken care of.

It was only days until everything would spiral down into chaos and hurt. I was enjoying my last moments of peace before the storm came, obliterating anything in it's path.

Smile while you can, because everything is about to change for the worst.

A/N: wowie, I've been absent for so long and all I give you is one filler chapter before things begin to get crazy. There's angst to be written! BOMBS AWAY!
Thanks for being patient with me! I really do appreciate my readers!

Hope you enjoyed and have a great day, aliens of earth!

<3 Doctor Universe

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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