Time Ticks

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Personal Log

Entry 550

Soundwave has listened in to what the Autobots are up to these days, and has discovered something quite interesting. The dreaded N.E.S.T. base has taken in a young girl that had appeared out of the blue a few days ago. He says that her signature had appeared out of nowhere! Isn't that quite intriguing?
I want her. I want to know where she came from and I need to figure out a way to make the Autobots pay, using her if I'm lucky. It'll be quite some time before those petty humans discover the small drones rolling around in their precious base. Time is ticking!

End Entry


~Present time~

Today, I've just been following Ratchet around the base. He's the quietest besides Optimus Prime. The others are doing something, but I don't know what. Nothing has been out of the ordinary ever since I got here, which I should be thankful for. It's only a matter of time before Megatron or the Decepticons make their appearance.

I trailed behind Ratchet as he walked in a steady pace back to his section of the large hangar where the Autobots usually were. "Ratchet?" I asked the tall bot. "Do you know what the others are doing?"

"I wouldn't worry about what they're doing." Ratchet commented. "It's no secret. Optimus is checking on an energy signature not too far from here."

"Oh." At least he told me.

"Max, would you mind helping me with something?" Ratchet asked me, gaining my attention.

"Sure!" I said quickly. "What do you need help with?"

The older Autobot handed me something that looked like an iPad. Wait, I knew what this was. It was probably one of those data pads I've read about in fanfictions.

Ratchet offered me his large servo and I climbed into it. He set me on the large desk with some unused equipment next to me.

"I need you to tell me if one of those three energy signatures goes into the red zone." The ambulance instructed me. I looked down at the screen.

There was a chart on the screen that I would have in my junior high math book with three green bars on it. I was supposed to tell Ratchet if any of those green bars became red. Seems easy enough.

"Okay, I can do that." I grinned at him.

"Good." Came Ratchet's reply.

He turned on some sort of drill and began drilling into something, but I had to focus on the screen. The green bars heightened slightly into a yellow zone. Ratchet drilled harder. Then, the bar shot up into the red zone.

"Red zone!" I told the medical bot. He stopped the drill.

"Thank you for your help." Ratchet thanked me. I nodded, smiling.

He took the small data pad and put in a large drawer on top of his desk. Then, he put the drill away. Everything here was almost as big as me or even bigger. I wondered what it was like to be a Cybertronian. All the humans would look so small!

My thoughts were interrupted by a lone ball rolling on the floor of the hangar. I thought it was just my imagination, but a ball really was rolling on the ground. What is it?

"Do you see something?"

I looked at the Autobot medic, snapping myself out of it. "It doesn't matter." I waved him off.

What was that thing anyway? I hope it's not some sort of military thing Michael Bay thought up. He does seem to like adding things that wouldn't make sense in the real world.

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