Max's Wild Ride

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I was frozen in the seat of some sort of bulldozer, placed behind huge cement tubes. There were people screaming and it was obvious that military action was taking place. The toxic fumes were leaking through the open windows and I used my shirt to keep the chemicals out of my system.

The sky was a murky navy blue with various helicopters flying overhead. The Decepticon was anonymous as far as I knew. Whether he had a name or not, Starscream had shoved me inside him and all I could do was wait. Transformers had shone a whole new light on a simple transfan today.

Muffled screams coursed throughout the large Chinese city, making me shudder. The Decepticon was silent as a lone helicopter flew overhead. There were quiet whispers and the clicks of guns at the ready. Did some Chinese soldiers arrive? Are they preparing to attack?

Suddenly, shots were fired and the Decepticon roared to life. It transformed, trapping me inside a hidden compartment. I screamed.

Outside, men cried out in pain and terror. Things were being smashed and my captor was moving fast. I could feel the obnoxious humming in his system as he sped along.

Multiple thumps and sounds of crashing cars flooded my ears. I tried clamping my hands over them to block out the chaos, but I was thrown around in the compartment so much I couldn't do it.


Something knocked into the Decepticon. It sent me sprawling, giving me bruises. The compartment unlatched and a metal hand grabbed me.

The Decepticon hoisted me up, dangling me in front of another robot. It was Optimus Prime! My body was frozen, not responding to anything I told it to do. The Prime's optics flashed with worry and determination. His sword was drawn and he was poised, ready to slaughter.

I was relieved and scared at the same time. What if something happened while the Cybertronians have at it?

My question wasn't answered in time. The two clashed.

Optimus swung his blade at the Decepticon, narrowly missing his chest. It was a huge flurry of jabs and attacks before the Con managed to grab the Prime's arm after he missed his targeted area. He was flung over his enemy's shoulder and thrown into the blacktop.

"Optimus!" I called out, my cry sounding strangled because of the Decepticon's vice grip.

The Con sped off, almost crushing Optimus in his wake. I screamed once again, beyond terrified. This overgrown tin can was gonna get it!

Crushed cars littered the path of the Decepticon until a shot of plasma punctured the back of my captor. He stumbled, falling to the ground. I was sent flying. My eyes widened as I flew mere inches above the cement road.

The ground impact was worse than I had expected. I squeezed my eyes shut as I skidded and rolled until I came to a halt. My clothes were ripped and skin was skinned and punctured. Blood was spattered all over, some areas worse than others. I hissed at the feeling of the sting. Otherwise, I thought I was okay.

The sound of a huge metal body colliding with the ground reached my ears. "Any last words?" I heard Optimus sneer.

"This is not your planet to rule." The Decepticon garbled. "The Fallen shall rise again."

"Not today." Optimus' deep voice thrummed.

I closed my eyes and lay silently.


A/N: this is so late beyond belief! I am so sorry! I rushed through this, so it might not be as good as I promised in the last chapter. FORGIVE MEE. I'm sure this is the first and last chapter I write sound effects on. Not pro at all.
Shoutout to my good friend TFALokiwriter for helping out once again! Hope you enjoyed!

<3 Doctor Universe

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